| - Even though Our Dragons Are Different, they are still awesome in whatever form. Therefore works where dragons are not important to the story will often throw in a dragon anyway, just for the hell of it. Sometimes it's justified by a Fantasy Kitchen Sink, but it's still this trope when it otherwise fits. Compare Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha, Rent-A-Zilla, Dragons Up the Yin-Yang. Examples of Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons include:
| - Even though Our Dragons Are Different, they are still awesome in whatever form. Therefore works where dragons are not important to the story will often throw in a dragon anyway, just for the hell of it. In order to count for this trope the story cannot be about dragons, a dragon cannot be a major, or even secondary character. That includes being a MacGuffin, the Big Bad, or The Dragon (no relation). It has to be clear that a dragon isn't needed for the story, the writers just did it for Rule of Cool. Or if it's an adaptation of a work with no dragons at all, it counts no matter what role the dragons have now. Sometimes it's justified by a Fantasy Kitchen Sink, but it's still this trope when it otherwise fits. Compare Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha, Rent-A-Zilla, Dragons Up the Yin-Yang. Examples of Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons include: