| - Shi Woon is our loser protagonist, an Ordinary High School Student who is constantly picked on by bullies. He believes his life is so miserable, that he decides to end it all... until he is saved by Chun Woo, the weird new teacher and secret martial artist. From then on he is determined to learn to fight and stand up for himself, going so far to jump off a bridge to convince Chun Woo that he is serious. So far he has impressed everyone with his progress and character growth.
* Anti-Hero: Type I in the beginning. He quickly grew out of it.
* The Apprentice
* Audience Surrogate
* Awesome Moment of Crowning: At the end of Part I, he becomes the leader of Sun Woo clan. He's reasonably shocked.
* Awesomeness By Analysis: Possibly.
* Badass: In several ways.
* Badass Adorable
* Badass Normal/Handicapped Badass: After losing his Ki center he is still able to punch Chang Ho who now has murim techniques. He also beat up a Mook of the SUC before that.
* Chang Ho? That's nobody. He beat up one of the five Captains of the S.U.C.!!
* Berserk Button: In later chapters, anyone threatening his friends.
* Finding that S.U.C. seriously injured his mom. Yi Gyu-Bum remarks Shioon has the same expression Chunwoo did when Shiho was shot.
* In chapter 75 of New Waves, Shioon enters the Black Origin Threshold after Bae-Seung Jae stabs Sera in the stomach. For reference, the Black Origin Threshold is the state that Goomoonryong goes into in Part I when Shiho is killed.
* Beware the Nice Ones: Even if you try to kill him, he will try to save you. Just remember that he is strong enough to easily punch through concrete walls.
* Bishounen/Cute Shotaro Boy: As the series goes on.
* Butt Monkey: Everyone just seems out to get Shi Woon, poor kid.
* Brought Down to Normal: at the end of Part I, this happens when Chunwoo destroys his chii center to prevent him from having to continue to be involved in the world of Murim.
* Character Development: He starts out as a kid so driven to the edge by bullying that he is about to sell out his childhood friend simply to avoid another beating. After training under Chunwoo for a bit, he becomes strong enough to completely own the bully who is making his life hell with what is probably the single most satisfying punch EVER
* Chekhov's Gun: The Ilwollsindan that unlocked Shi Woon's ki circulation is now functioning as his new source of power.
* Clueless Chick Magnet: Let's see here, Saehee, Sosul, Jinee, and Sera.
* Oblivious to Love: Completely oblivious to all the girls who have fallen for him.
* Single Woman Seeks Good Man: And here's why.
* Cute Bruiser
* Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Just about every technique done with a broken Ki center. His Megaton Punch ended with a broken shoulder, and doing a foot technique ended with him with a badly sprained ankle, if not broken as well.
* The Black Origin Threshold is a more direct example.
* De-Power
* The Determinator: You have to give Shi Woon some credit. He mentally defeated a martial arts prodigy just by his utter refusal to go down. Against Yoo Ji-Gun as well.
* Distressed Dude: Two times so far, once in The Breaker and once in New Waves. Played for VERY serious drama both times. At the climax of The Breaker, the Chief of the Alliance grabs him by the throat at the last minute and threatens to kill him should Shun Woo Han refuse to show him the Black Heaven and Earth technique. The second time, he's abducted by the man who gave him medicine that temporarily subverted the whole De-Power issue so that a sort of medicine could be made from his blood, one that would supposedly be a great resource to the S.U.C.)
* Drunk on the Dark Side: Courtesy of Bae Sung-Jae seriously injuring Sera, causes him to use the Black Origin Threshold technique.
* Generation Xerox: He is extremely similar to his teacher in many, many ways.
* Heir To Sun Woo: Some of the people in the Sun Woo clan are not very happy about it though.
* Heroic Spirit
* Honor Before Reason: While he's genuinely beloved by his friends for his kindness, Shi Woon needs to be a little more suspicious of people.
* Fan Disservice: Down to his boxers, ball gag in mouth, and being bled to death
* Flash Step: See below.
* Instant Expert, surprisingly enough. The Breaking Spirit Strike was supposed to take him a few months to master, but he managed to complete it on the same day Chun Woo showed it to him. The same thing happened with the Foot techniques.
* The Foot techniques is an even bigger example because while Chun Woo explained how the Spirit Breaking Strike was supposed to work, he only showed Shi Woon the foot techniques once, and they had a very short discussion about it. Shi Woon also didn't practice the Foot techniques unlike the Strike.
* Possibly justified. The Gu Eum is a line of martial artist, all of whom are said to have poor circulation, but if that problem was corrected they would be ungodly strong. Sounds just like Shi Woon's physical condition before he took the Ilwollsindan.
* Lightning Bruiser: In addition to his Spirit Breaker, he now even knows foot technique.
* Made of Iron: Shi Woon gets special mention; he takes hits like none other.
* Magnetic Hero: Not at first but slowly becomes this.
* Martial Pacifist: His motivation.
* The McCoy: The fact that he still cares for people who try to kill him annoys his Cynical Mentor greatly. There's also how he handled the whole Sosul deal.
* Megaton Punch: His M.O. after he Took a Level In Badass.
* Morality Chain: For Chun Woo.
* Mr. Fanservice: His looks become better and better.
* Nice Guy: He's a really sweet kid.
* No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Winds up getting one of these in nearly every fight he actively participates in.
* Ordinary High School Student: Starts out as one.
* Real Men Wear Pink: An amazing cook.
* Rookie Red Ranger
* Spell My Name with an "S": Shi Woon or Shioon?
* Super Toughness: He takes amazing amounts of punishment, even when he's just a novice, to the point that literally every character he fights comments on how indomitable his spirit must be. Several times he stands up and demands they keep fighting while technically unconscious or without a pulse.
* Supreme Chef: Jinie thinks so.
* Super Serum: When his ki-center is shattered, he is initially unable to use his martial arts beyond the simple movements. However recently a murin specialist doctor and the small group of allies he is gaining has given him a drug that circulates the latent amounts of ki in his body from when he ate the Illwolsindan, which gives him the ability to use his martial arts skills he's learned, but only for brief periods of time.
* The Call Knows Where You Live: Why he's still being attacked despite having his ki center shattered.
* The Messiah
* Thou Shalt Not Kill
* Took a Level In Badass
* We Can Rule Together: Offered the or-you'll-be-horrifically-killed variety in chapter 71 of New Waves.
* With My Hands Tied: His right arm is in a sling after injuring himself, still he manages to land a decisive punch on Chang Ho, and beat the crap out of other S.U.C members.
* When All You Have Is a Hammer
* Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Arguably. He didn't use his Megaton Punch on Li Jioo, instead, he just tackled her.
* The Woobie
* Becomes an Iron Woobie