| - Muscle Beach Tom is the 101st one-reel animated Tom and Jerry short, released on September 7, 1956 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. It was directed and produced by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It was animated by Lewis Marshall, Kenneth Muse, Ed Barge and Irven Spence (erroneously credited as Irvin Spence), with backgrounds by Robert Gentle, layouts by Richard Bickenbach and music by Scott Bradley.
- Muscle Beach Tom is the 101st one-reel Tom and Jerry short, released on September 7, 1956 by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer. It was co-directed and co-produced by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and it was animated by Lewis Marshall, Kenneth Muse, Ed Barge, and Irven Spence (erroneously credited as Irvin Spence). The backgrounds were designed by Robert Gentle, the layouts by Richard Bickenbach and the music was composed by Scott Bradley.