| - Babbitt was born in the Pennsylvania countryside to a young mother and a gruff, brassy father. They imposed a series of strict regulations on Babbitt, out of fear he might get into some unexpected trouble and spill his yolk all over the place. As opposed to adopting a rebellious attitude, Babbitt and his severe OCD embraced and expanded upon these harsh schedules. It became routine to brush his teeth before eating breakfast, then have lunch after he got ready for bed, and finally eat dinner before breakfast the next day. These abnormal regulations, which Milton observed jubilantly for the entirety of his life, isolated him from the rest of the kids at school. Even the friends he had since early childhood got sick of his routine by middle school. Johnny was tired of being seen only on Wedne
| - Babbitt was born in the Pennsylvania countryside to a young mother and a gruff, brassy father. They imposed a series of strict regulations on Babbitt, out of fear he might get into some unexpected trouble and spill his yolk all over the place. As opposed to adopting a rebellious attitude, Babbitt and his severe OCD embraced and expanded upon these harsh schedules. It became routine to brush his teeth before eating breakfast, then have lunch after he got ready for bed, and finally eat dinner before breakfast the next day. These abnormal regulations, which Milton observed jubilantly for the entirety of his life, isolated him from the rest of the kids at school. Even the friends he had since early childhood got sick of his routine by middle school. Johnny was tired of being seen only on Wednesdays, while Frankie thought it rude that Milton was compelled to eat a plate of Gorgonzola cheese six minutes into playdates, no matter where they were. Milton faced similar problems with early girlfriends and teachers. Ladies that slept with Milton, whose practiced rhythms made him very talented in bed, found it unsettling that he refused to put on a condom before he climaxed but slipped on three immediately afterward. Milton's education was likewise haphazard: he had to attend History class at 6:00 AM., long before school started. Anyone attempting to alter these rules were greeted with a hissy fit of inestimable proportions, so teachers catered to the bright young boy's needs.