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- *I recuse myself from Pokemon-ignorance. But even after the initial clean-up, I see no humor here at all. Except for the bit about being born from so-and-so's egg/vagina/anus, that there's a knee-slapper. SPIKE/signature(11:53 16-Jul-10)
- *Now, this here's a fahn parody of Dixie English, boy. And it turns some neat phrases. "Like a ton of proverbial tons" reminds me of the way a coworker described a fracas in the corporate world: Rats leaving a sinking rat. Get rid of "Background," which gives away the con; of "Trivia," which is listcruft, and change Amos Moses to the guy's "real" name: It helps the "encyclopedia" con for article names to be played straight. And fewer balls and buttocks. SPIKE/signature(18:52 9-Jul-10)
- *I don't know the service and won't vote, but on the surface, this tech-heavy article seems too matter-of-fact, often even touting the service rather than making sport of it. SPIKE/signature(03:39 9-Jul-10)
- #I did some heavy surgery on the page, and then added in some fluids and antibiotics. Aleister 1:55 1 7 MMX
*Looks like this is a keeper. --Under_user/sig3 (08:46, Jul 9)
- *It's so dumb, yet it made me laugh... oh, the horror. I haven't the heart to vote either way. O_o *runs in terror* Lyrithya/sig/1 -- 20100708 - 04:53
*Nothing clear after over a week - keepticated. --Under_user/sig3 (08:48, Jul 9)