| - Pope Benedict XVI states that while magic will send people to hell, a loner coward who simply practices magic alone in his basement is still redeemable, as the thought of hundreds of zealots burning him on stake unquestionable might of the Almighty One can make him fear the Lord and convert to rightful path. It's only when these pitiful souls have bravery, that they have the courage to decline the favor of the Almighty One. It's when such blind people bond by friendship, that they form a role-playing group satanic cult. And for love, the whole point of the demonic ceremonial is to have a wild group sex. In short, practicing magic alone without friendship, love and bravery is forgivable. It's only when combined with friendship, love, and bravery that it passes the point-of-no-return to hell. Thus, the Harry Potter septology is truly a collection of the ultimate tomes of evil. “I think it is the darkest form of blasphemy when people think a children's story is evil. It teaches you love, family values, bravery, and so much more.” ~ The biggest Harry Potter cultist out there. This is yet another cultist claim that Harry Potter also teaches about family value. Again, Pope Benedict XVI notes that teaching magic to innocent children, defiling such pure souls, is definitely an evil act equal to filming a child porn. In other words, the evil of Harry Potter can be ignorable if only it is an adult's book, But since it aims for children, the Harry Potter septology is truly a collection worthy of a place among the ultimate tomes of evil. “Harry Potter is one of the most famous books in the world, and it would be horrible if everyone claimed it evil. Magic is a fairy tale. And as magic is a fairy tale, it doesn't hurt children to read about something that isn't real. I don't believe there have been people getting hurt by just reading a book.” ~ another cultist, forgetting that most porn fetishes are also purely imaginary One of the examples of how a cultist would become ignorant to Satan's evil work by reading Harry Potter. Deciding to judge things using their own beliefs instead of the Church's teaching, this basically means that they think they're wiser than God! Fortunately, Pope Benedict XVI claims that such Spartans blasphemy only manifests itself in children's thoughts after they dwell in delusion of Satanic Cult for certain of time. So if you see a kid reading an evil tome, don't think There's no people getting hurt by the reading of this book, act NOW; or you will be too late. And one does not even need to read this book to get hurt. The Church will burn you on stake simply for having this forbidden book on shelf (especially if that book is the monster book of monsters). Harry Potter is the ultimate tomes of evil.... just to make sure you know that by now or you'll burn in hell! “Harry Potter is the Devil!” ~ Helen 'Mama' Boucher, from the Waterboy on Harry Potter