| - Walsh was the name of the Wizard of Oz, who later becomes transformed into a Winged Monkey, in the TV series Once Upon a Time.
- [[Datei:Walsh_2154.jpg|thumb|Ensign Walsh (2154)]] Ensign Walsh ist in den 2150ern Ingenieur an Bord der Enterprise (NX-01) unter dem Kommando von Captain Jonathan Archer, als das Raumschiff die Delphische Ausdehnung erkundet. Im Jahr 2154 nimmt er in der Offiziersmesse eine Mahlzeit ein, als Hoshi Sato und Nathan Samuels den Raum betreten. (ENT: )
- Walsh was the C.O to Majors and also unofficial CIA agents, Jim Kidwell and Craig Peary.
- Walsh is a Retirement Castle resident who wishes he could be on Thanksgiving.
- Walsh was a former police officer, who had started working as Catherine Weaver's personal investigator.
- Walsh était un ingénieur de Starfleet (Terre) au 22ème siècle, qui a servi à bord de l'Enterprise NX-01. Walsh a notamment participé à la mission de recherche de la superarme xindie en 2153. A cette époque, il servait sur la passerelle de l' Enterprise lorsque le vaisseau entra dans l'Etendue Delphique et fut attaqué par trois Oiseaux-de-Proie klingons sous le commandement de Duras, fils de Toral. (ENT: "The Expanse")
- Originally from Kansas, Walsh makes his way to Oz where he becomes known as an all-powerful wizard, "Oz, the Great and Terrible". From behind a curtain, Walsh projects a shadow image and speaks with a booming voice to anyone who approaches his palace to seek an audience with him. He also asks for genuine magical items in exchange for help which he uses to further his deception. He is soon met by a witch named Zelena who is in search of her biological family. Walsh uses one of his magical items to discover that Zelena's mother is a woman named Cora. He also reveals that Zelena has a half-sister, Regina. The sorceress wants to know more, so Walsh gives her a pair of silver heels that can take her anywhere she desires. Zelena uses them to go to the Enchanted Forest. Some time later, Zelena re