| - Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
- "Rewind" is an episode written by TheNewDoctor for submission to the Common series 4. It features Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor.
- Rewind - канадский англоязычный специализированный телевизионный канал категории B, большая часть акций которого принадлежит Channel Zero Inc. Телеканал в основном транслирует полнометражные фильмы 1970-х, 1980-х и 1990-х годов.
- Run by Shinya Kido (2009 1A World Champion), Jun Aramaki (originator of 3A freestyle), Kazuki Okada (2009-2010 Japan National 1A Runner-up) and Hironori Mii (National Yo-Yo Master and 2000 X Division World Champion).
- As mentioned, this song currently does not have a music video or audio track to it, as the video below is an unofficial audio track of the song. This song was never charted, released on iTunes, or placed in one of Paramore's main albums. File:Paramore-Rewind LYRICS
- Rewind is the Autobot trivia expert. Memory banks are filled with an amazing amount of stored data that is of virtually no use to anyone, and he keeps adding more. Still, sometimes he has the exact bit of esoteric knowledge that's needed to solve a problem, for which the Autobots are thankful.
- |-|KMS 1.2.256= File:Skill Rewind.png 타임 리와인드
* Class: Zero
* Type: Active
* Level Requirement: 140
* Maximum Level: 1
- Rewind's bio painted him as the Autobots' memory man - he can remember just about anything. Unfortunately, he fills it with pointless trivia, and is hence slightly defunct when it comes to important matters. According to Dan Fleming in Powerplay: toys as popular culture, Blaster and his cassettes represents a guardian of more primitive heroes, as well as the hidden power of technology. As a member of the Autobot communications sub-group Rewind frequently worked with its other members - Blaster, Eject, Ramhorn and Steeljaw.
- File:Rewind.jpgThe Rewind are as known for their colorful markings, outgoing personalities, and their love, some say obsession, with a good tale. They have been known to fly to the furthest regions of Terrapinia on a moment’s notice if they believe an opportunity to learn a good story, even just a piece of one. While the Rewind have the Rewind Roost on Funkiki Island, they also have established a network of temporary houses to young Funkey travelers unable to pay the high prices of hotels, or other travelers who just admire the free spirit of the Rewind.
- Rewind is the Autobot trivia expert. His memory banks have an amazing capacity to process and store data that is of virtually no use to anyone. Ask him what is the ratio of carbon to ditryllium atoms in laser pistol polish or what is the capitol of New Jersey and he'll answer without hesitation. But ask him something important, like what is the recommended way of disarming a photon-cannon drone, and he'll probably be of no help at all. Still, sometimes his knowledge of arcane facts proves to be an immense help, and Rewind is much appreciated by his fellow Autobots for it. They just wish that he would turn his attention away from encyclopedia collections and toward the war with the Decepticons more often. (By the way, the answers to the above questions are: 3,623 to 1; Telemark VI on the pl