| - Stargate Universe is the title of the third live-action science fiction television series in the Stargate franchise. Produced by MGM, the show entered production in early 2009, and premiered on October 2, 2009 on Syfy and Space, and on October 6, 2009 on Sky1 in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Stargate Universe was filmed and produced in Vancouver, Canada, as were the preceding series. The cancellation of the show was announced on December 16, 2010, and the final episode aired May 9, 2011.
- Stargate Universe je spin-off seriálů Stargate SG-1 a Stargate Atlantis, vysílaný od roku 2010.
- Stargate Universe es la mas nueva serie de la franquicia Stargate, y es secuela a sus series hermanas, que son Stargate Atlantis y Stargate SG-1. Producida por MGM, la serie pasó a pre-producción en marzo de 2007, y a producción a mitad del año 2008. Su premiere fue el 2 de octubre de 2009 en el canal estadounidense SyFy. Stargate Universe se filmó y produjo en Vancouver (Canadá), como las anteriores series de la saga.
- Stargate Universe or SGU is of course the 2009 Stargate Universe official spin off series. But in the fan production it may refer to : Fan gaming :
* CnC Stargate Universe a Command & Conquer: Generals – Zero Hour mod. Fan site :
* SG:Universe a website centralizing the script based series.
- Stargate Universe är titeln på en science fiction TV-serie, en del av Stargate franchise. Producerad av MGM, showen träder produktion i början av 2009, med en beräknad premiär under hösten 2009 på Sci Fi Channel. Stargate Universe kommer att filmas och produceras i Vancouver, Kanada, som med föregående serien.
- Le Wiki Stargate Universe est un wiki créé le 4 Juillet 2013. Il est dédié uniquement à la série Stargate Universe, et non pas à toutes les séries de la franchise Stargate.
- Stargate Universe är titeln på den tredje live-action science fiction TV-serie i Stargate serien. Producerad av MGM, trädde showen produktion i början 2009, och hade premiär den 2 oktober 2009 på Syfy och Space, och den 6 oktober, 2009 på Sky1 i Förenade kungariket och Irland. Stargate Universe filmades och produceras i Vancouver, Kanada, som var den föregående serien. Indragningen av showen tillkännagavs den 16 december 2010, den sista episoden sändes 9 maj, 2011.
- Stargate Universe will begin in the summer of 2009, it will take place in the present like Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. The series will take place on an Ancient starship called the Destiny, the mission of this ship is to seek out the Stargates of the galaxies. The Destiny is the second ship, dispatched to follow up on the original ship, which was responsible for seeding the stargates. An SG team from Earth discovers the Destiny after unlocking the secrets of the ninth chevron. After finding the Destiny, the team is unable to get back to Earth.
- Stargate Universe (abreviado SGU) es la tercera serie de televisión de la franquicia Stargate. Creada por Brad Wright y Robert C. Cooper, estrenada el 2 de octubre de 2009 con las dos primeras partes del episodio piloto en el canal Syfy. Stargate Universe es producida y filmada en Vancouber (Canadá), como con las series anteriores.
- Some would say it wasn't that awful, but either way it was made right in the middle of SyFy "We don't want nerd audience" psychosis and flirted with things that should not be flirted with trying to appeal to the kind of people who wouldn't watch anything called Stargate while displeasing those who already were.
- Stargate Universe, appelé aussi La Porte de l'Univers au Québec, (abrévié SGU) est une série télévisée de science-fiction à venir, faisant partie de la franchise Stargate. La série a reçu le feu vert le 22 août 2008 et sa diffusion est prévue de manière hebdomadaire sur Sci Fi Channel aux USA à partir du 2 octobre 2009, débutant par un double ou triple épisode (Air). SkyOne diffusera la série dans le Royaume Uni à partir du 6 octobre 2009. Brad Wright, Robert C. Cooper et Carl Binder en seront les producteurs exécutifs et les scénaristes principaux. Le tournage de Stargate Universe a débuté le 18 février 2009.
- Stargate Universe will begin airing in 2009 CE. The series will reveal the secrets of the ninth Chevron. After Stargate Command discovers the secret an SG Team will take the Stargate and end up on a Starship called Destiny. This ship was built by the Ancients and is even older than Atlantis. On the Destiny, the team will have to fend for themselves because they will not be able to return to Earth. Like in Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis . The new series will take place during the present time. Destiny is part of an Ancient experiment, which was to seed the galaxies with the Stargates millions of years ago. This experiment was ended by the Ancients' ascension. The Destiny is on a follow up mission of the first ship, it is to explore worlds with Stargates. The Destiny itself has its own
- Stargate Universe is an American science fiction series and a television spin-off of Roland Emmerich's 1994 film Stargate and Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. A number of actors from the show have appeared on Sanctuary, most importantly of course Amanda Tapping, who played Samantha Carter on Stargate Universe, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. As a matter of fact, Tapping discontinued her work as a regular on Atlantis to focus on Sanctuary. Sanctuary writer Alan McCullough has written for the show and Peter DeLuise has directed it.