| - Basically, a once-proud and glorious race - doesn't have to be elves, but it usually is - have fallen. Usually, this happened before our story even began. Now, they live in squalor and slavery - those of them that still do live, anyway - with few traces of their ancient culture remaining. Perhaps, during the story, they will rediscover their old pride and power, for better or for worse... but only if the story's really idealistic. A subtrope of Screw You, Elves. Could be considered a kind of meta-revenge against Can't Argue with Elves. Examples of Enslaved Elves include:
| - Basically, a once-proud and glorious race - doesn't have to be elves, but it usually is - have fallen. Usually, this happened before our story even began. Now, they live in squalor and slavery - those of them that still do live, anyway - with few traces of their ancient culture remaining. Perhaps, during the story, they will rediscover their old pride and power, for better or for worse... but only if the story's really idealistic. Keep in mind that this trope only applies if there's some proof that the elves used to be a proud and noble race, before their 'fall'. If a universe's elves have always just been nomadic tribes of pointy-eared barbarian bowmen, it doesn't count for this trope, no matter how badly they're oppressed and see the violence Inherent in the System. A subtrope of Screw You, Elves. Could be considered a kind of meta-revenge against Can't Argue with Elves. Examples of Enslaved Elves include: