Also referred to as the "Type-52 Directed Energy Support Weapon". According to information found on Halopedia, this turret mounted weapon is 131.7 cm (51.875 inches) long. Further Storyline information is availible here: Halopedia Information Page (external link)
Attributes | Values |
| - Plasma Turret
- Plasma turret
- Plasma Turret
| - Also referred to as the "Type-52 Directed Energy Support Weapon". According to information found on Halopedia, this turret mounted weapon is 131.7 cm (51.875 inches) long. Further Storyline information is availible here: Halopedia Information Page (external link)
- Plasma Turretと呼ばれるアーカイブには以下のものがある。:
* シェイドタレット - コヴナントの主力防衛タレット
* T-42 直接支援火器 - Halo 2において使用されたコヴナント軍重火器。
* T-52 直接支援火器 - コヴナントの標準的タレット。Halo 3とHalo 3: ODSTにおいて使用された。
* プラズマタレット(宇宙戦闘艦) - コヴナント戦闘艦に搭載される、強力な火力を持つ兵器。
* 重プラズマ砲台 - コヴナントの要塞を護るために設営される、防衛火器。Halo Warsにおいて使用された。
* 自動プラズマ砲台 - Halo 3 マルチプレイマップ Snowboundに設置されている火器。プレイヤーの逃亡を防ぐ為に使用される。 このページは曖昧さ回避のために存在します。同一の名前が存在し、それに該当するものを纏めていますが、これ以外にも同じ名前のページがある可能性があります。記事のリンクを参照する場合、戻るかもしくは直接そのページに飛ぶように設定する必要があります。
- The Plasma Turret is an EDF mounted weapon found occasionally at strategic locations occupied by the EDF and their structures. This weapon is rather rare and is only mounted in bunkers, buildings and watchtowers, never in vehicles and is the most powerful EDF mounted weapon. The weapon is found in the Badlands and Oasis and in Eos in Red Faction: Guerilla and Demons of the Badlands. The weapons operation is semi automatic and must cool down after each shot. Every shot is capable of devastating power and is the equivilant of the Mounted Rocket launcher of the Red Faction.
- The Plasma Turret is the most powerful defense in the game. It is fairly expensive, but well worth its price. There is no ship with rapid fire against the Plasma Turret. Plasma Turrets are also useful for being able to destroy the widely-used Battleships in two hits, deterring attacks from fleets containing them. It takes 35 of them to destroy one Deathstar, but it would take proportionally more Gauss Cannons, because each time the Gauss fires it has to go through the Death Star's shields again, while Plasma fire is more concentrated in fewer turrets. Therefore, mass numbers of Plasma Turrets are really the only effective defense against Death Stars. It should never stand alone in a defense system, but should be backed up with other smaller defenses. The Plasma Turret is capable of bypassi
- Short Description Plasma Turrets release the energy of a solar flare and surpass even the destroyer in destructive effect. Long Description One of the most advanced defense weapons systems ever developed, the Plasma Turret uses a large nuclear reactor fuel cell to power an electromagnetic accelerator that fires a pulse, or toroid, of plasma. During operation, the Plasma turret first locks in on a target and begins the process of firing. A plasma sphere is created in the turrets core by super heating and compressing gases, stripping them of their ions. Once the gas is superheated, compressed, and a plasma sphere is created, it is then loaded into the electromagnetic accelerator which is then energized. Once fully energized, the accelerator is then activated, which results in the plasma sphe
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| - Short Description Plasma Turrets release the energy of a solar flare and surpass even the destroyer in destructive effect. Long Description One of the most advanced defense weapons systems ever developed, the Plasma Turret uses a large nuclear reactor fuel cell to power an electromagnetic accelerator that fires a pulse, or toroid, of plasma. During operation, the Plasma turret first locks in on a target and begins the process of firing. A plasma sphere is created in the turrets core by super heating and compressing gases, stripping them of their ions. Once the gas is superheated, compressed, and a plasma sphere is created, it is then loaded into the electromagnetic accelerator which is then energized. Once fully energized, the accelerator is then activated, which results in the plasma sphere being launched at an extremely high rate of speed to the intended target. From your targets perspective, the approaching bluish ball of plasma is impressive, but once it strikes, it causes instant destruction. Defensive facilities deactivate as soon as they are too heavily damaged. After a battle, there is up to a 70 % chance that failed defensive facilities can be returned to use. Rapidfire against Espionage Probe 5 Note: Requirements: Shipyard level 8, Plasma Technology level 7
- Also referred to as the "Type-52 Directed Energy Support Weapon". According to information found on Halopedia, this turret mounted weapon is 131.7 cm (51.875 inches) long. Further Storyline information is availible here: Halopedia Information Page (external link)
- Plasma Turretと呼ばれるアーカイブには以下のものがある。:
* シェイドタレット - コヴナントの主力防衛タレット
* T-42 直接支援火器 - Halo 2において使用されたコヴナント軍重火器。
* T-52 直接支援火器 - コヴナントの標準的タレット。Halo 3とHalo 3: ODSTにおいて使用された。
* プラズマタレット(宇宙戦闘艦) - コヴナント戦闘艦に搭載される、強力な火力を持つ兵器。
* 重プラズマ砲台 - コヴナントの要塞を護るために設営される、防衛火器。Halo Warsにおいて使用された。
* 自動プラズマ砲台 - Halo 3 マルチプレイマップ Snowboundに設置されている火器。プレイヤーの逃亡を防ぐ為に使用される。 このページは曖昧さ回避のために存在します。同一の名前が存在し、それに該当するものを纏めていますが、これ以外にも同じ名前のページがある可能性があります。記事のリンクを参照する場合、戻るかもしくは直接そのページに飛ぶように設定する必要があります。
- The Plasma Turret is an EDF mounted weapon found occasionally at strategic locations occupied by the EDF and their structures. This weapon is rather rare and is only mounted in bunkers, buildings and watchtowers, never in vehicles and is the most powerful EDF mounted weapon. The weapon is found in the Badlands and Oasis and in Eos in Red Faction: Guerilla and Demons of the Badlands. The weapons operation is semi automatic and must cool down after each shot. Every shot is capable of devastating power and is the equivilant of the Mounted Rocket launcher of the Red Faction.
- The Plasma Turret is the most powerful defense in the game. It is fairly expensive, but well worth its price. There is no ship with rapid fire against the Plasma Turret. Plasma Turrets are also useful for being able to destroy the widely-used Battleships in two hits, deterring attacks from fleets containing them. It takes 35 of them to destroy one Deathstar, but it would take proportionally more Gauss Cannons, because each time the Gauss fires it has to go through the Death Star's shields again, while Plasma fire is more concentrated in fewer turrets. Therefore, mass numbers of Plasma Turrets are really the only effective defense against Death Stars. It should never stand alone in a defense system, but should be backed up with other smaller defenses. The Plasma Turret is capable of bypassing the Shields and the Hull of any ship equal to or smaller than a Cruiser, destroying them with a single shot. This means large quantities of Plasma Turrets are capable of wiping away a large amount of Cruisers, discouraging the use of these ships to rapid-fire your missile launchers. It overkills so they are better when accompanied by Gauss Cannons (kills enemy fodder) and fodder (takes damage).