Ninja Gaiden, known as Shadow Warriors in Europe and Ninja Ryukenden in Japan, is a platformer game for the Nintendo Entertainment System developed by Tecmo. Originally released in Japan towards the end of 1988, it was the first in a popular trilogy of Ninja Gaiden titles for the NES featuring the adventures of Ryu Hayabusa. This game is currently available for download for 500 Wii Points on the Wii's Virtual Console in North America. For Europe, Australia and New Zealand the game costs 600 Wii Points as part of its 'Hanabi Festival', where people can buy games not released in Europe for a higher price, despite the fact that Ninja Gaiden was released in Europe on the NES.
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| - Ninja Gaiden, known as Shadow Warriors in Europe and Ninja Ryukenden in Japan, is a platformer game for the Nintendo Entertainment System developed by Tecmo. Originally released in Japan towards the end of 1988, it was the first in a popular trilogy of Ninja Gaiden titles for the NES featuring the adventures of Ryu Hayabusa. This game is currently available for download for 500 Wii Points on the Wii's Virtual Console in North America. For Europe, Australia and New Zealand the game costs 600 Wii Points as part of its 'Hanabi Festival', where people can buy games not released in Europe for a higher price, despite the fact that Ninja Gaiden was released in Europe on the NES.
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| - Nintendo Entertainment System, TurboGrafx-16, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Wii Virtual Console, Mobile phones, 3DS Virtual Console, Wii U Virtual Console
| - Platform game / Beat 'em up
| - North American boxart, NES version
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| - Control pad, Cell Phone Keys
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| - 3(xsd:integer)
- --05-14
- --08-29
- --09-21
- --11-15
- --12-09
- --02-06
- --04-10
- --08-15
- --12-13
- --04-21
- Famicom/NES
- --01-24
- Cell Phone
- PC Engine
- Wii Virtual Console
- Wii U Virtual Console
- NES version
- (NA) March, 1989
- NA Jun 28, 2004
- PC Engine version
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| - Ninja Gaiden, known as Shadow Warriors in Europe and Ninja Ryukenden in Japan, is a platformer game for the Nintendo Entertainment System developed by Tecmo. Originally released in Japan towards the end of 1988, it was the first in a popular trilogy of Ninja Gaiden titles for the NES featuring the adventures of Ryu Hayabusa. This game is currently available for download for 500 Wii Points on the Wii's Virtual Console in North America. For Europe, Australia and New Zealand the game costs 600 Wii Points as part of its 'Hanabi Festival', where people can buy games not released in Europe for a higher price, despite the fact that Ninja Gaiden was released in Europe on the NES. The game is renowned for its innovative use of cinematic cutscenes. It represents one of the first NES games to feature a full, movie-like story. The game's success spawned two sequels and several ports to other video game systems.
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