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| - Ars Magica
- Ars Magica
- Ars Magica
- Ars Magica
- The Ars Magica is a scholarly multi-volume treatise on all things magical. The prohibita is an excerpt from it. The work cites many other famous authors, including Geoffrey Monck, Immanuel Benavent, Nina Fioravanti and Ransant Alvaro.
- Das Ars Magica ist eine umfangreiche und übergreifende Abhandlung über die Magie und alle damit zusammenhängenden Dinge. Das Prohibita ist ein Auszug aus dem Ars Magica. Das Werk zitiert außerdem bekannte Zauberer und Magier wie zum Beispiel Geoffrey Monck, Immanuel Benavent, Nina Fioravanti und Ransant Alvaro.
- Ars Magica è un'enciclopedia didattica che tratta di magia. Il "prohibita" è un estratto di quest'opera. Si citano anche molti autori famosi, tra cui Geoffrey Monck, Immanuel Benavent, Nina Fioravanti e Ransant Alvaro.
- Links zu Ars Magica:
* Die Online-Ressource zu Mythic Europe: Project Redcap
* Der Verlag von Ars Magica: Atlas Games Kay Eriya-Beiträge von BelniFore, HaraScon, KainNiemand und MaWelt. Deine Meinung: Talk:Kay Eriya.
- Ars Magica는 중세기 유럽에 마법사, 요정, 용 따위가 실제로 있었다는 설정을 배경으로 삼는 판타지 RPG이다. 1987년에 미국의 Lion Rampant에서 첫 판이 나왔고 출판사를 옮겨다니다 지금은 Atlas Games에서 제5판이 간행되고 있다. PC는 오더 오브 헤르메스(Order of Hermes)라는 일종의 마법사 협회에 속한 마법사와 그 주변인물들이다. 플레이어 한 명이 여러 캐릭터를 운영한다는 점, 모험이나 여행보다 마법사의 일상생활이나 영지 경영을 강조한다는 점, 학습한 마법 지식을 조합-응용해서 주문을 시전한다는 점 등이 특색으로 꼽힌다.
- Ars Magica (abbreviated ArM or AM) is a fantasy roleplaying game that was originally developed by Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein•Hagen. Ars Magica was the first game developed and published by Lion Rampant, the company that would eventually become White Wolf Publishing; in fact, Ars was the reason Lion Rampant was formed. Players take on the role of magi — members of one of the Houses of Hermes — and their Custos, travelling throughout Mythic Europe in 1197 (in the first two editions of the game) or 1220 (beginning with the third edition of the game).
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- The Ars Magica is a scholarly multi-volume treatise on all things magical. The prohibita is an excerpt from it. The work cites many other famous authors, including Geoffrey Monck, Immanuel Benavent, Nina Fioravanti and Ransant Alvaro.
- Das Ars Magica ist eine umfangreiche und übergreifende Abhandlung über die Magie und alle damit zusammenhängenden Dinge. Das Prohibita ist ein Auszug aus dem Ars Magica. Das Werk zitiert außerdem bekannte Zauberer und Magier wie zum Beispiel Geoffrey Monck, Immanuel Benavent, Nina Fioravanti und Ransant Alvaro.
- Ars Magica (abbreviated ArM or AM) is a fantasy roleplaying game that was originally developed by Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein•Hagen. Ars Magica was the first game developed and published by Lion Rampant, the company that would eventually become White Wolf Publishing; in fact, Ars was the reason Lion Rampant was formed. Players take on the role of magi — members of one of the Houses of Hermes — and their Custos, travelling throughout Mythic Europe in 1197 (in the first two editions of the game) or 1220 (beginning with the third edition of the game). The game introduced a revolutionary magic system. Unlike previous roleplaying systems, magic was not simply a list of spells. It was a fluid, dynamic system that allowed players to come up with their own effects and implement them.
- Ars Magica è un'enciclopedia didattica che tratta di magia. Il "prohibita" è un estratto di quest'opera. Si citano anche molti autori famosi, tra cui Geoffrey Monck, Immanuel Benavent, Nina Fioravanti e Ransant Alvaro.
- Links zu Ars Magica:
* Die Online-Ressource zu Mythic Europe: Project Redcap
* Der Verlag von Ars Magica: Atlas Games Kay Eriya-Beiträge von BelniFore, HaraScon, KainNiemand und MaWelt. Deine Meinung: Talk:Kay Eriya.
- Ars Magica는 중세기 유럽에 마법사, 요정, 용 따위가 실제로 있었다는 설정을 배경으로 삼는 판타지 RPG이다. 1987년에 미국의 Lion Rampant에서 첫 판이 나왔고 출판사를 옮겨다니다 지금은 Atlas Games에서 제5판이 간행되고 있다. PC는 오더 오브 헤르메스(Order of Hermes)라는 일종의 마법사 협회에 속한 마법사와 그 주변인물들이다. 플레이어 한 명이 여러 캐릭터를 운영한다는 점, 모험이나 여행보다 마법사의 일상생활이나 영지 경영을 강조한다는 점, 학습한 마법 지식을 조합-응용해서 주문을 시전한다는 점 등이 특색으로 꼽힌다.