| - Culture Chop Suey is a Fantasy Counterpart Culture cobbled together from multiple real-world cultures. The reasons for this can vary from case to case. Like with Anachronism Stew, it can stem from the writer's ignorance on the subject, and they may simply not realize that these cultural elements are alien to one another. Likewise, it can be a case of Creator Provincialism, when the writer uses aspects of their own culture in the fictional one, either because they aren't aware that they would seem out of place, or because they want to make it more familiar for their audience. Of course, when they're completely aware of the differences, they may be taking Artistic License, blurring the lines for unique World Building, or just playing to the Rule of Cool or Rule of Funny.
| - Culture Chop Suey is a Fantasy Counterpart Culture cobbled together from multiple real-world cultures. The reasons for this can vary from case to case. Like with Anachronism Stew, it can stem from the writer's ignorance on the subject, and they may simply not realize that these cultural elements are alien to one another. Likewise, it can be a case of Creator Provincialism, when the writer uses aspects of their own culture in the fictional one, either because they aren't aware that they would seem out of place, or because they want to make it more familiar for their audience. Of course, when they're completely aware of the differences, they may be taking Artistic License, blurring the lines for unique World Building, or just playing to the Rule of Cool or Rule of Funny. These are cases where elements are of a contrasting culture, elements of technology from a contrasting time period are Schizo-Tech. When ninjas show up as part of a Culture Chop Suey, that is also a McNinja. A Ruritania is usually constructed using this trope. A character from one of these cultures may sport a Multiethnic Name just to drive things home. Some cultural mash-ups are common enough to warrant their own pages: Ancient Grome, Far East, Mayincatec, Scotireland, Spexico, and some versions of Norse by Norsewest. Examples of Culture Chop Suey include: