| - With the arrival of Avatar Aang and his team at the city, Long Feng captured their lost flying bison, Appa, as leverage should they disrupt the delicate balance the Dai Li had created. His ulterior motives were exposed by the Avatar when the Dai Li could not hide all evidence of the Fire Nation's invasion from the Earth King, so Long Feng was imprisoned for treason. However, the Dai Li were still loyal to their leader, and Long Feng struck a deal with Princess Azula to give her the Avatar in exchange for power over the city, though Azula double-crossed him and won the loyalty of the Dai Li, claiming Ba Sing Se in the name of the Fire Nation.
- Long Feng, der selbst aus eher armen Verhältnissen stammt, hat sich in Ba Sing Se vom Flüchtlingskind zum Kulturminister und zum direkten Berater des Erdkönigs hochgearbeitet. Es ist ihm wichtig, die Kontrolle über den Erdkönig zu erhalten und den "Frieden" in Ba Sing Se aufrecht zu erhalten. Im Verlauf der Geschichte schließt Long Feng mit Prinzessin Azula ein Bündnis, als der Erdkönig das Vertrauen in ihm verliert. Letztendlich übernimmt Azula die Kontrolle über das Dai Li und er selbst verliert seine Macht.Über sein Verbleiben nach dem Fall von Ba Sing Se ist nichts bekannt. Vermutlich wurde er wieder eingekerkert.
- Met de komst van Team Avatar in de stad, ving Long Feng hun verloren bizon Appa, door de zoektocht zouden ze de balans in Ba Sing Se verstoren die hij en Dai Li gemaakt hadden in de stad. Zijn echte motieven werden blootgesteld door de Avatar wanneer Aang en het team bewezen dat Long Feng gelogen had door de Vuurnatie Boor te laten zien die zich in de buitenste muur bevond. Hierdoor werd hij in de gevangenis gestopt.
- Long Feng was the Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se and the villainous leader of the Dai Li. As the Earth King's closest personal advisor, Long Feng hid the existence of the War outside the city's walls while the Dai Li supplanted the king's power over his people. Long Feng is a very influential, charismatic, manipulative and power-hungry individual.
- Long Feng fue el consejero del Rey Tierra, Gran Secretario de Ba Sing Se y líder de los agentes Dai Li. Era una persona cruel y manipuladora, cuyo plan era dejar poco a poco sin poder al Rey Tierra y gobernar en su lugar. Anteriormente, fue un joven de clase muy baja, por lo que luchó todo lo que pudo para alcanzar el poder en el gobierno y la ciudad. Al terminar la Guerra, Long Feng permaneció el resto de su vida en una prisión de Ba Sing Se.
- Long Feng was the Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se and the leader of the Dai Li and the secondary antagonist of season 2 of Avatar: The Last Airbender, He was a very charismatic, influential, manipulative, and power-hungry individual. As the Earth King's closest personal adviser, Long Feng hid the existence of the War outside the city's walls while the Dai Li supplanted the king's power over his people. His voice actor is Clancy Brown who has also done other villains like The Kurgan, Yakone, Undertow, Montross and Pai Mei