An autarch is an absolute, dictatorial ruler, sometimes placed into power through his or her own charisma or self-ambition. In 2371, Federation ambassador Krajensky informed Deep Space 9 Captain Benjamin Sisko the Tzenkethi Autarch had been overthrown in a coup d'etat, Sisko responded, "I doubt anyone is going to miss the Autarch". (DS9: "The Adversary")
Attributes | Values |
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| - Een autarch is een dictatoriale en absolute heerser. Beschavingen met een autarch zijn:
* Ilari (VOY: "Warlord")
* Tzenkethi (DS9: "The Adversary")
* Naamloze Delta kwadrant beschaving (VOY: "Muse")
- An autarch is an absolute, dictatorial ruler, sometimes placed into power through his or her own charisma or self-ambition. In 2371, Federation ambassador Krajensky informed Deep Space 9 Captain Benjamin Sisko the Tzenkethi Autarch had been overthrown in a coup d'etat, Sisko responded, "I doubt anyone is going to miss the Autarch". (DS9: "The Adversary")
- An autarch was an absolute and dictatorial ruler. After Benjamin Sisko was told by Ambassador Krajensky that the Tzenkethi Autarch had apparently been overthrown by a coup d'etat on Tzenketh in 2371, Sisko was pleased, saying that "I doubt anyone is going to miss the Autarch". (DS9: "The Adversary") The Ilari in the Delta Quadrant were ruled by an autarch. The term autarch on Ilari appeared to be equivalent to the title emperor on Earth, as the Autarch of Ilari resided in the Imperial Palace. This hereditary title was passed to the firstborn child of the deceased monarch. (VOY: "Warlord")
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| - An autarch is an absolute, dictatorial ruler, sometimes placed into power through his or her own charisma or self-ambition. In 2371, Federation ambassador Krajensky informed Deep Space 9 Captain Benjamin Sisko the Tzenkethi Autarch had been overthrown in a coup d'etat, Sisko responded, "I doubt anyone is going to miss the Autarch". (DS9: "The Adversary") Cantabrian commanding officer Noah Wrightson and counselor Daniel Radke, as escaped captives aboard the Myhr'an super battle cruiser in late 2372, discovered the Myhr'an commander was the Myhr'an Autarch while battling him. In return for his co-operation with the M'Tar, the Myhr'an commander had allowed millions of his people to be slaughtered and replaced by Myhr'an clones; he died when his ship was severely crippled and subsequently exploded in battle with the Cantabrian. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: "Deceptions")
- Een autarch is een dictatoriale en absolute heerser. Beschavingen met een autarch zijn:
* Ilari (VOY: "Warlord")
* Tzenkethi (DS9: "The Adversary")
* Naamloze Delta kwadrant beschaving (VOY: "Muse")
- An autarch was an absolute and dictatorial ruler. After Benjamin Sisko was told by Ambassador Krajensky that the Tzenkethi Autarch had apparently been overthrown by a coup d'etat on Tzenketh in 2371, Sisko was pleased, saying that "I doubt anyone is going to miss the Autarch". (DS9: "The Adversary") The Ilari in the Delta Quadrant were ruled by an autarch. The term autarch on Ilari appeared to be equivalent to the title emperor on Earth, as the Autarch of Ilari resided in the Imperial Palace. This hereditary title was passed to the firstborn child of the deceased monarch. (VOY: "Warlord") On Kelis' homeworld, there also lived an Autarch. In 2376, Layna threatened to expose B'Elanna Torres to this individual. (VOY: "Muse") According to the script for "The Adversary", autarch was pronounced as "AW-tark". [1]