| - 6.31152E9
- We've been doing this since before the war. How long have you got?
- {Stern} My beloved left this place years ago to find a cure to this disease.
- Really now. They just go in a big circle. If you couldn't see that coming, I don't know what you think you're doing here.
- {Sarcastic, but totally dry. The player is lost in your maze.} Ooh, by all means... keep trying. You're doing great.
- Sorry, stranger. Already flew the coop. Don't worry, I've still got plenty of surprises in store for you.
- {Puzzled} No. No I don't think that's going to work this time. There's something different about this one.
- Do you enjoy that lovely glowing mist? Feels great to us!
- {Tired} If I could, I would. But I made a promise to keep this place safe till we could find a cure.
- {Thinking} I need to prepare some more surprises for our visitor so I'll leave you to find your way out.
- {Irritated} You had your chance to leave. This is our home and we're not giving it up.
- {Question} And somehow I received a gift. Actual magic. The stuff of legends. Perhaps you'd like to see some?
- Why would you shut that off? That's what's keeping the Raiders out!
- {Neutral} I'll gather what remains of my friends and we'll leave this place in your care.
- {Disbelief} So you're admitting my friends are sick and yet you try to kill them anyway?
- {Disbelief} You come here, attack my friends, try to steal our home and have the gall to claim you aren't my enemy?
- What are you doing? Get away from the pumps, they're of no concern to you.
- {Defiant} I am going to find a cure, and fix my friends before someone like you comes along and exterminates us all.
- {referring to feral ghouls} My friends don't have that problem.
- Ha! You really thought it would be that easy to get rid of me?
- {Conspiratorial} I can tell you're different than the usual invaders, so I'll not bother with the usual tricks and illusions I use to scare off the superstitious.
- Don't worry, the mirrors are too dirty to reflect anything.
- {Apologetic} Here, you should have this. Consider it an apology for misjudging you.
- {Stern} I'm not going to let you kill any more of my friends. This is our home, not yours.
- {Irritated} What are you doing out of costume again? You know Nuka fires people for breaking character.
- Well now friends, it seems we have another uninvited guest to the park.
- {InPain} Sorry. I know you can't help it. We just have to hold out till she gets back with a cure.
- Don't worry, I'm sure you're hair is supposed to fall out like that.
- {Emphasis on WE. Referring to him and his ghoul friends / Somber} We changed.
- {Angry} You're wrong! Rachel is going to find a way to cure them, we're going to fix this!
- You keep turning our radiation sprayers off and I'll keep turning them back on.
- {Relieved} If Rachel is still out there, I'll find her and we'll search for this cure together.
- You've finally arrived. Quickly the show is about to begin!
- {Confident} I will stay here for as long as it takes.
- {Huge emphasis, this is essentially casting a spell to raise your ghoul friends back to life. May even be processed by the theater sound system. / Defiant} Up!
- Aaaagh!
- Aaaghh... Rachel...
- Ah ah. You won't be leaving that way I'm afraid.
- And aren't we having fun.
- Aw... are you feeling lost? Pathetic.
- {Sarcastic} How ironic you should say something like that.
- Though we do occasionally make exceptions for simpletons like yourself.
- Feeling dizzy yet? Can't tell which way is up?
- Graaah!
- Guh!
- Ha ha ha ha...
- Have you ever heard of The Philosopher's Stone?
- In your case, I'd say that's probably a benefit.
- {Tired} Perhaps I would leave, but I made a promise to keep this place safe until my Rachel finds the cure.
- Should have watched your step! That's what you get for invading our home!
- {SinisterSmile} No matter what you do, I can heal my friends, and we will protect what is ours.
- Now tell me, assistant, do you believe in Magic?
- Now there's a lovely sight.
- {Irritated} I'm tired of this debate and I refuse to have your presence here threaten us any longer!
- Really now, you're holding up the show.
- Right. Where were we...
- Round and round and round and round!
- Shoot and slash and bite and break her.
- Should have looked both ways, stupid!
- {Impressed} I'll admit, I didn't think you'd make it this far.
- VoilĂ !
- Welcome boys and girls to... The Fun House!
- Well, I can see you're no rocket scientist!
- What's wrong? Not your cup of tea?
- {Angry} You invaders are all the same. You come into someone's home, steal their belongings and kill those they care about.
- {Defiant} We've defended this place for over 200 years. Do you think you're the first outsider I've met that's chosen to brand "feral" ghouls as monsters?
- This is no time to piss your britches. We have a show to do! Now get to the stage!
- You're looking a little green. Feeling nauseous, little raider?
- {Amused} Yes of course I'm kidding. But seriously, the clown make up helps scare the invaders off and there's a new one in the park.
- {Defiant} It's an illness that affects the brain. We're going to find a cure, and we are going to drive you out of our home!
- {Stern} You're wrong. There is a cure, there has to be. But... maybe she needs my help.
- Seems like you've bitten off more than you can chew. But don't worry...
- Don't worry about the radiation, it will no longer be a burden to you and your kind.
- {SinisterSmile} Fine, I've been looking forward to making you disappear.
- Up! Up, performers! It's time for another show! Though I doubt you'll even make it to the Theater, stranger.
- Oh no! You shut off my defenses! Oh wait, I'll just turn these back on.
- {Amused} There. Back in character.
- {Angry} *growl*
- {Angry} No! You're wrong!
- {Angry} They're not feral, they're sick!
- {Defiant} Never.
- {Happy} When the bombs fell, everything changed.
- {Sad} She's dead? No... no... my poor Rachel.
- {Sing songy} Baker, baker, pastry maker.
- {Somber} Farewell.
- {Stern} We'll fix this. I promise.
- Those radiation sprayers keeping you cool? They perk us right up.
- {Thinking} Maybe you're right.
- Where are you even going? At this rate you'll starve to death in there.
- Join me on the roof of King Cola's Castle and we'll see an end to this production.
- Sorry, but I'm not going out that easily. The show must go on!
- {Sarcastic} Maybe you should just leave wit to someone better equipped.
- {Apologetic} Then we'll drive the Raiders out and get the farm back in order.
- Sorry, already gone little raider. Don't worry, I've still got plenty of surprises in store for you.