| - The illuminati (Joker News) is a group of villains in Paper Mario and the Secret World. The Illumanti, commonly known as Joker News, claims to have ancient roots, but the truth is they are a recent addition. They started slowly setting up a network in the Mushroom Kingdoms waiting for the day they would take over. They grew with the Mushroom Kingdom over the years to become a shadow superpower led by the Android Joker. After recent events have led to it downfall.
- The Illuminati (イルミメティ Iruminati) is an extremely powerful organization located within Assiah.
- The leader of the Mutants The leader of the Oceans The leader of Science The leader of Magic A leader of Heroes
- Secrets. They're all around us. Secret conspiracies are everywhere. Conspiracy is an ancient pastime, and so is the study of conspiracy. Secrecy in itself is harmless, but it always seems to attract attention. Where can one find truth? Only in Illuminati, the game. File:IlluminatiGame.jpg
- The Illuminati is a triangle with an eye who is the leader of the secret group The Illuminati. He believes in a New World Order.
- Invisible puppet-masters and corporate manipulators, they crave power and wealth by any means necessary.
- Sociedade de 300 famílias cujo principal objetivo é criar a nova ordem mundial.
- A secret society among evil doings and rituals
- Auf DVD erschien der Film am 23. Oktober 2009.
- Illuminati Der Orden der Erleuchteten
- Lásd még: Háttérhatalom.
- Una organización secreta de superhumanos se une para tomar las decisiones que los demás héroes no se atreven a considerar en el mundo que han creado.
- The Illuminati usually refers to a purported clandestine organization which runs the entire media (according to conspiracy theorists), carefully calculating and planning everything that happens in secret. The Illuminati are mentioned in the Zombies maps Shi No Numa, Der Riese, and Kino der Toten by Edward Richtofen. Richtofen himself is a member.
- Illuminati, the italian form of the Freemasons also connected to the priory of sion (prieure du sion)
- The Illuminati is secret society, who was after the Triangle of Light that was created in the City of Light. They wait for the planetary alignment to move on to their ultimate plan. Illuminati uses the same symbolism as the People of the Light: tringle, all-Seeing-Eye, sun, and horses.
- The Illuminati, also known as the Secret Society (秘密結社 Himitsu Kessha?), is a secret organization in the Street Fighter III series, led by Gill. They also appear in Street Fighter V. Very few of the people on Earth know of their existence and workings. The group is portrayed as a powerful organization that has manipulated many of the events throughout the world of earth to achieve their goals of world domination.
- Illuminati is a mysterious order, whose name roughly translates to "Enlightened Ones". Players who join the Illuminati recieve "the light", thus becoming an enlightened member of the organization.
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- The Illuminati are an age old secret society, which started as a cult to the demon Chernabog. This changed when the "Son of Darkness, Itself" rose to power. Constantine seized control of the dying group and turned it into an interplanetary organization, a criminal empire devoted to undermining all governments.
- Illuminati is published by Marvel Comics. Current price per issue is $3.99.
- The Illuminati were said to be a secret cabal that lived on the planet Earth who existed by the 20th century. In 1994, the genetically engineered superman known as Randall Morrison demanded to know who Freewoman Landers worked for and claimed that the Illuminati were her masters. However, privately in her thoughts, she found the concept absurd as she and Gary Seven had shut down the Illuminati years ago. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2)
- Les Illuminati, aussi appellés Illuminés de Bavière est le nom d'une association caritative, ayant pour seul et unique but l'épanouissement humain, et la réunion entre les peuples.
- The Illuminati usually refers to a purported clandestine organization which runs the entire media (according to conspiracy theorists), carefully calculating and planning everything that happens in secret. The Illuminati are briefly mentioned in the Call of Duty: Black Ops mission S.O.G. at the start of the mission on one of the classified documents and in the Zombies maps Shi No Numa, Der Riese, and Kino der Toten by Edward Richtofen.
- The Illumunati allegedly controls most government affairs. Its primary objective is to usher in a New World Order in which the elite within the society have complete and utter control of the planet. They have evaded disclosure of their plans and technologies through their control of the media, but very once in a while, an insider comes out to disclose their testimony of how the society advances its goals. Illumunati is composed of around 13 different families, each with it´s own goal. These families include Rothschild, Rockefeller, Li, etc.
- The Illuminati are a secret council that has controlled humanity from behind the scenes since the dawn of civilization.
- There are thirty-six ranks in the Illuminati, each rank contains the same number of members as the level of rank. For example, there is only one member in the number one rank, two members in the number two rank, and so on until thirty-six members in the number thirty-six rank. Interestingly, this means there are constantly 666 members in the society; 666 is the number of the name of the anti-Christ, according to the Christian faith.
- thumb|240px|De Grootzegel van de Verenigde Staten wordt vaak aangevoerd als Illuminati logo, hoewel het helemaal niets met de historische Illuminati te maken heeft.De Illuminati (meervoud van het Latijns illuminatus of verlichte) was een geheime genootschap van aliens vrijzinnigen en vrijmetselaars die een negental jaar heeft bestaan aan het einde van de 18de eeuw. Volgens complotdenkers zou deze orde echter nooit hebben opgehouden te bestaan, maar behoren tot één der machtigste organisaties ter wereld en al jarenlang plotten om de New World Order op te richten.
- Los iluminatti es un meme creado a partir de hacer un meme para satirizar las conspiraciones o teorias.
- The Illuminati is a secret society dedicated to the spiritual perfection of the individual and the clandestine domination of all civilized institutions. The name "Illuminati" is the plural of the Latin word illuminatus, meaning "enlightened". The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to establish a New World Order which will allow them to govern the world without opposition.
- Illuminati dè 25-gè gouls bai Ted Gunderson, a former FBI Agent in charge, born 1928-11-07: 1.
* Men are inclined to evil rather than good. 2.
* Preach Liberalism. 3.
* Use ideals of freedom to bring about class wars. 4.
* Any and all means necessary should be used to reach their goals as they are justified. 5.
* Believe their rights lie in force. 6.
* The power of their resources must remain invisible until the very moment that they have gained the strength so that no group or force can undermine it. 7.
* Advocates a mob psychology to obtain control of the masses. 8.
* Promotes the use of alcohol, drugs, moral corruption, and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation. 9.
* Seize citizens' private property by any means ne
- The Illuminati is an Imperium-spanning secret society whose hidden objectives are declared to be in support of humanity and the Emperor, and against the Forces of Chaos. The Illuminati is mainly composed of humans who have not only survived possession by a Warp entity, but also managed to do the seemingly impossible, i.e., cast out the daemon from their own bodies. The experience of sharing a mind with a daemon has completely changed their outlook on the universe, and given them a unique understanding of Chaos and Warp entities in general. In the process of freeing themselves from daemonic possession, they have also mastered the Chaos within themselves, which is the root of all human corruption by the Ruinous Powers. Apparently, they are thus unique in being able to exist in the Warp as co
- Una de la teorías conspirativas de más larga duración en la historia de los Estados Unidos comenzó el domingo por la mañana del 9 de mayo 1798, cuando el reverendo Jedidiah Morse (1761–1826) electrizó y aterrorizó a sus feligreses en la Primera Iglesia Congregacionalista de Charlestown, Massachusetts. Les advirtió que había un grupo secreto de los hombres malos que conspiraban para destruir el cristianismo y todos los gobiernos legítimos. Sus agentes, dijo, ya estaban en los Estados Unidos infiltrándose en las escuelas, clubes políticos, periódicos, incluso en la oficina de correos. Su objetivo era erosionar la fe religiosa y el patriotismo.
- Another possible explanation for this is that they simply signed it in secret without the government's knowledge, but this is made unlikely by how ingrained the Illuminati is in Area 51, which is a top secret government-run facility. Many groups believe that the Illuminati are evil, and actively fight against them. The members of the Illuminati themselves believe that they are simply doing what is best for humanity. Thus, whether or not they are benevolent is ultimately subjective.
- Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name that refers to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. Historically, it refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776. In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. In this context, Illuminati is often used in reference to a New World Order (NWO). Many conspiracy theorists believe the Illuminati are the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of such a New World O
- The Illuminati is an organization of which Toad may be a member. It is plotting evil schemes as we speak. The illuminati is divided into 10.5 factions. Some known Illuminati factions are the Illuminati, the Secret Illuminati, the Double Secret Illuminati, Faction Four (also known as the Fourth Faction), Red, Green, the Toad Illuminati, the Real Illuminati, the Other Toad Illuminati, and Eagle Illuminati. The other half of a faction is unknown, and completely secret. The Illuminati may appear in Toad RPG: Toad of Toad.
- Illuminati (Latin, Enlightened, Guangming, Iruminati, 光明) is a an organization of spiritually empowered humans and Fullbringers of prominent influence, guided by the hand of various shadow governments. This group has guided humanity with order and law since the days of ancient times. Once disbanded, now it has come into control under Jian Xia. Their goal simple: to exclude the hand of outer worldly forces from interfering with Earth.
- The Illuminati was started in 11th century Persia by Hasan Y. Sabah. Sabah erected a mountain fortress where he trained a private guild of assassins that he called the Hashishin. At the time of the Crusades, Sabah's occult lore came into the hands of European soldiers, particularly the Knights Templar. What they learned from Sabah and the Hashishin is unknown, but it was at this time that the Templar Knights became obsessed with a mystical artifact known as the Holy Grail (dogmatically, the cup that Christ drank from at the Last Supper, and that which caught his blood during the crucifixion).
- Illuminati - tajne stowarzyszenie założone 1 maja 1776 roku przez Adama Weishaupta, mające za cel podporządkowanie sobie świata i utworzenie Ogólnoświatowego Rządu. W królestwie polityki ich dominacja nad takimi wpływowymi instytucjami jak Komisja Trójstronna i Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych (wojskowe i polityczne serce spodziewanego Nowego Światowego Porządku) dała im władzę nad kluczowymi politykami. Na arenie religijnej swój wpływ na wierzenia Zachodu oddał im Zakon Syjonu, natomiast niemal całkowita dominacja Chin pozwoliła kontrolować religie Wschodu. Bliski Wschód przynależał do nich poprzez skuteczną kontrolę nad fanatycznymi terrorystami. Jednakże w połowie XX wieku stało się jasne, że konieczna jest kontrola spraw finansowych i technologicznych, aby radzić sobie z coraz większą
- The Illuminati is an ancient secret society. The word "lluminati" itself means "the enlightened ones." Since the beginning of history, a deep rift has existed between science and religion. Outspoken scientists were murdered by the Church for revealing scientific truths. Religion has always persecuted science. But in the 1500s, a group of men in Rome fought back against the Church. Some of Italy's most enlightened men—physicists, mathematicians, astronomers—began meeting secretly to share their concerns about the Church's inaccurate teachings. They feared that the Church's monopoly on truth threatened academic enlightenment around the world. They founded the world's first scientific think tank, calling themselves "the enlightened ones"—The Illuminati.
- The Illuminati are a secret society that have possibly existed for hundreds of years. Their supposed symbol is the Eye in the Pyramid, though they may have many other symbols and fnords hidden in seemingly everyday things. For example, there is the argument that the flame is a symbol of the Illuminati, and that the flame that the Statue of Liberty holds is the flame of the Illuminati, illuminating the United States. They are not the same thing as the Miriadic sect of Illuminates.
- Originally, Tony Stark united these men along with the Black Panther shortly after the Kree-Skrull War had first involved Earth. He suggested they form a mega group that would be prepared to face such similar threats by uniting all of the existing super teams and groups. Eventually, the idea was minimized in scale to a secret cabal that would share information and decide secretly how all of the individual groups would correspond, with T'challa choosing not to join the group.
- The Illuminati's existence in the modern world is often made fun of on sites like YouTube to the point where it's considered a "dank meme". Some users, such as Peladophobian, would come up with insane and sophisticated conspiracy theories to try to confirm the Illuminati's existence in today's world. The theories are usually made as a joke. The main leitmotif for the Illuminati Confirmed meme is playing the beginning of The X Files theme. Some users would even associate the Mind Heist theme from Inception with the Illuminati Confirmed meme, due to Peladophobian's frequent and reputable usage of the music in his earlier videos.
- i lik to jion u Image:CheneyStampSmall.jpg Attention: "Illuminati" contains classified information.Only authorized personnel with the proper clearances can view "Illuminati" Image:AniMasonsSymbol.gif Image:$cientologyIcon.jpg Illuminatiis a by the NSA Image:BurningWitchesEnhanced.jpg Image:DSutherlandIOTBSCropped.jpg Illuminati is hereticaland makes The Baby Jesus jealous!May it rot in the fires of his judgement! Image:GWC.JPG
- El propósito de los Illuminati es descubrir, capacitar, ocultar y proteger a los llamados Sensei. Estos individuos son los hijos biológicos del Emperador de la Humanidad que fueron concebidos antes del establecimiento del Imperio; y se dice que son inmortales, así como estériles. Posiblemente se cuenten por miles, y normalmente no son conscientes de su linaje. Además son vacíos psíquicos sin presencia en la disformidad, y no pueden ser afectados por los poderes psíquicos; como tales, son invisibles incluso para el propio Emperador en su estado actual. Los hijos del Emperador a los que los Illuminati informan de su verdadera naturaleza se convierten en los Sensei, "Caballeros de la Larga Guardia". El plan de los Illuminati es recoger a la mayor cantidad de Sensei que les sea posible, y lueg
- The Illuminati (commonly reffered to as the Triforce, because the Illuminati constantly uses triangles ALL THE TIME for some reason we may never know), is a Secret Underground Society constantly planning to take over the Universe. The Illuminati currently consists of Weegee and Toast. File:Holyshit.jpg The Illuminati is also known to hide itself in US Dollerz, Disney Related Things, and Poo. The Illuminati also has an unhealthy obsession with Triangles, and has been featured on a show called My Strange Addiction. This is purely because they are really, really messed up.