| - Green Earth is one of the five main forces of Wars World. It is featured in Super Famicom Wars, Advance Wars, Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising and Advance Wars: Dual Strike. They are also a member of the Allied Nations. Green Earth's forces are extremely organized. Eagle, the leader of Green Earth, specializes in aerial combat, while Jess dominates the ground, and Drake the seas. In Advanced Wars: Dual Strike, Javier joins the Green Earth army and contributes his abilities to the fight in Omega Land.
| - Green Earth is one of the five main forces of Wars World. It is featured in Super Famicom Wars, Advance Wars, Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising and Advance Wars: Dual Strike. They are also a member of the Allied Nations. Green Earth's forces are extremely organized. Eagle, the leader of Green Earth, specializes in aerial combat, while Jess dominates the ground, and Drake the seas. In Advance Wars 2, Black Hole forces, led by Black Hole's second in command, Hawke, launched a campaign on the Green Earth homeland, conquering a great deal of the continent before the tides turn at the hand of Eagle, Jess, and Drake. In Advanced Wars: Dual Strike, Javier joins the Green Earth army and contributes his abilities to the fight in Omega Land. Green Earth is based primarily on Germany, although there is influence from the United Kingdom and France as well. Green Earth's original CO's, Eagle and Drake, are modeled after Germany's Red Baron and Britain's Sir Francis Drake.The Green Earth CO Jess seems to be modeled after German tank master Erwin Rommel. Green Earth's infantry units wear German Stahlhelms and appear to weild German MP40s; its mech weild German Panzerfausts. Its medium tank is modeled after the German Sturmtiger and the French Char B1. The Green Earth HQ resembles a generic Western European castle, however its in-battle image is reminiscent of the French Palace of Versailles. It is also important to note that its supposed coat of arms shown in the background of the Advanced Wars 1 menu is very reminiscent of a WWII German Eagle.