| - ... Oppressor, by contrast, was so thoroughly mauled she had to be towed from Chandrila to Kuat for a complete overhaul — the damage was more complex than widespread. Three of her four gravity well projectors were practically obliterated. They were rebuilt, though one of them would never function quite right from that day on. A senior starwright at Kuat Drive Yards later said, "We had never seen damage doled out so precisely on a ship like this. Usually, a warship simply gets battered to slag by overwhelming mass fire, but it looks like Oppressor succumbed to a thousand stabs of a dagger -- all in the same spots."
| - ... Oppressor, by contrast, was so thoroughly mauled she had to be towed from Chandrila to Kuat for a complete overhaul — the damage was more complex than widespread. Three of her four gravity well projectors were practically obliterated. They were rebuilt, though one of them would never function quite right from that day on. A senior starwright at Kuat Drive Yards later said, "We had never seen damage doled out so precisely on a ship like this. Usually, a warship simply gets battered to slag by overwhelming mass fire, but it looks like Oppressor succumbed to a thousand stabs of a dagger -- all in the same spots."
- ... Oppressor, by contrast, was so thoroughly mauled she had to be towed from Chandrila to Kuat for a complete overhaul — the damage was more complex than widespread. Three of her four gravity well projectors were practically obliterated. They were rebuilt, though one of them would never function quite right from that day on. A senior starwright at Kuat Drive Yards later said, "We had never seen damage doled out so precisely on a ship like this. Usually, a warship simply gets battered to slag by overwhelming mass fire, but it looks like Oppressor succumbed to a thousand stabs of a dagger -- all in the same spots." From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.