Bleach (ブリーチ, Burīchi; romanized as BLEACH in Japan) is an ongoing manga series authored by Tite Kubo that has appeared in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine since August 2001. This particular fanon spin-off, also known as "Phantasmagoria", follows the history of Kenshin Yagami, from the time spent with his master, to the numerous guises he has assumed throughout the centuries. These stories will be chronological in order, but will not detail every aspect of his life; there will be jumps in time, from one century to the next highlighting significant events.
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| - Bleach (ブリーチ, Burīchi; romanized as BLEACH in Japan) is an ongoing manga series authored by Tite Kubo that has appeared in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine since August 2001. This particular fanon spin-off, also known as "Phantasmagoria", follows the history of Kenshin Yagami, from the time spent with his master, to the numerous guises he has assumed throughout the centuries. These stories will be chronological in order, but will not detail every aspect of his life; there will be jumps in time, from one century to the next highlighting significant events.
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| - Bleach (ブリーチ, Burīchi; romanized as BLEACH in Japan) is an ongoing manga series authored by Tite Kubo that has appeared in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine since August 2001. This particular fanon spin-off, also known as "Phantasmagoria", follows the history of Kenshin Yagami, from the time spent with his master, to the numerous guises he has assumed throughout the centuries. These stories will be chronological in order, but will not detail every aspect of his life; there will be jumps in time, from one century to the next highlighting significant events.