Attributes | Values |
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| - *Plant potato seeds and grow potatoes in an allotment patch
*Ability to raise your Farming level to 5
- *Plant hammerstone seeds and grow hammerstone hops in a hops patch
- *Plant onion seeds and grow onions in an allotment patch
- *Plant marigold seeds and grow marigolds in a flower patch
- *Plant barley seeds and grow barley in a hops patch
| - *Plant torstol seeds and grow torstol in an herb patch
- *Plant magic seeds and grow magic trees in a tree patch
*One of the requirements for the Falador elite tasks
- *Plant krandorian seeds and grow krandorian hops in a hops patch
- *Plant valerian seeds and grow valerian in Daemonheim
- *Plant avantoe seeds and grow avantoe in an herb patch
*Pick duskweed in Daemonheim
- *Plant spirit tree seeds and grow up to one spirit tree at a time in a spirit tree patch
- *Plant torstol seeds and grow torstol in a herb patch
- *Plant reed seeds and produce swamp toads, swamp tar, and/or swamp lizards in a hops patch
- *Plant nasturtium seeds and grow nasturtium in a flower patch
- *One of the requirements for My Arm's Big Adventure
*Plant gout tubers and grow goutweed in a herb patch
*Plant aloe seeds and grow aloe in Daemonheim
- *One of the requirements for Spirit of Summer
*Plant limpwurt seeds and grow limpwurt roots in a flower patch
*Plant harralander seeds and grow harralander in an herb patch
*One of the requirements for the Morytania easy tasks
- *Plant buckthorn seeds and grow buckthorn in Daemonheim
*Plant grapevine seeds in a hops patch
*Nourish sated ancient effigies in Farming
- *Plant butterfly flower seeds in a flower patch for Ruby Harvests
- *Plant cave potato seeds and grow cave potatoes in Daemonheim
*Pick salve nettles in Daemonheim
*Nurture basic evil tree saplings
*Access Vinesweeper
*Ability to raise your Farming level to 99
- *Plant cadavaberry seeds and grow cadava berries in a bush patch
*Nurture evil maple tree saplings
- *Plant kwuarm seeds and grow kwuarm in a herb patch
- *Nourish gorged ancient effigies in Farming
- *Nurture evil magic tree saplings
- *Plant guam seeds and grow guam in a herb patch
- *Plant guam seeds and grow guam in an herb patch
- *Plant irit seeds and grow irit in a herb patch
- *Plant irit seeds and grow irit in an herb patch
- *Plant wishing well bush seeds in a bush patch
- *Plant papaya tree seeds and grow papaya trees in a fruit tree patch
*Plant bloodweed seeds and grow bloodweed in a herb patch
*One of the requirements for the Ardougne hard tasks
*One of the requirements for the Tirannwn medium tasks
- *One of the requirements for The Branches of Darkmeyer
*Plant belladonna seeds and grow nightshade in their own patch
- *Plant tarromin seeds and grow tarromin in a herb patch
- *Plant ranarr seeds and grow ranarr in a herb patch
- *Plant whiteberry seeds and grow white berries in a bush patch
- *One of the requirements for Grim Tales
*Plant maple tree seeds and grow maple trees in a tree patch
- *Plant jute seeds and grow jute fibres in a hops patch
*One of the requirements for the Seers' Village easy tasks
- *Plant strawberry seeds and grow strawberries in an allotment patch
- *Plant avantoe seeds and grow avantoe in a herb patch
*Pick duskweed in Daemonheim
- *Plant an additional spirit tree in a spirit tree patch, for a total of two at a time
*Plant potato cactus seeds and grow potato cacti in the cactus patch
- *One of the requirements for Spirit of Summer
*Plant limpwurt seeds and grow limpwurt roots in a flower patch
*Plant harralander seeds and grow harralander in a herb patch
*One of the requirements for the Morytania easy tasks
- *Plant Pineapple seeds and grow pineapple plants in a fruit tree patch
*Plant magebane seeds and grow magebane in Daemonheim
- *Plant kwuarm seeds and grow kwuarm in an herb patch
- *Plant dwarf weed seeds and grow dwarf weed in an herb patch
- *Plant lergberry seeds and grow lergberry bushes in Herblore Habitat
- *One of the requirements for Enlightened Journey
*Plant willow tree seeds and grow willow trees in a tree patch
*Nurture evil yew tree saplings
*Pick roseblood in Daemonheim
*One of the requirements for the Varrock medium tasks
- *Skill mastery
*Buy the Farming cape and hood from Martin the Master Gardener in Draynor Village, and wear them
- *Plant fly trap seeds in a allotment patch for Thieving experience
*Nourish nourished ancient effigies in Farming
- *Plant ranarr seeds and grow ranarr in an herb patch
- *Plant watermelon seeds and grow watermelons in an allotment patch
*One of the requirements for the Ardougne medium tasks
- *Plant morchella mushroom spores and grow morchella mushrooms in the mushroom patch
- *Plant sunchoke seeds in an allotment patch for Strength experience
- *Plant erzille seeds and grow grimy erzille in Herblore Habitat
- *Plant palm tree seeds and grow palm trees in a fruit tree patch
*Plant edicap mushroom spores and grow edicap mushrooms in Daemonheim
*One of the requirements for the Daemonheim hard tasks
- *Plant banana tree seeds and grow banana trees in a fruit tree patch
- *One of the requirements for My Arm's Big Adventure
*Plant gout tubers and grow goutweed in an herb patch
*Plant aloe seeds and grow aloe in Daemonheim
- *Plant yew seeds and grow yew trees in a tree patch
*Pick soulbell in Daemonheim
*Access Livid Farm
*One of the requirements for the Falador hard tasks
*One of the requirements for the Fremennik Province hard tasks
- *One of the requirements for Fairytale II - Cure a Queen
- *Plant snape grass seeds and grow snape grass in an allotment patch
*Pick runeleaf in Daemonheim
*Plant samaden seeds and grow samaden in Herblore Habitat
*Add polypore spores and fire runes to polypore sticks to produce polypore staves
- *Plant kalferberry seeds and grow kalferberries in Herblore Habitat
- *Plant acorns and grow oak trees in a tree patch
*Nurture evil willow tree saplings
*One of the requirements for the Varrock elite tasks
- *Plant dwarf weed seeds and grow dwarf weed in a herb patch
- *Nourish starved ancient effigies in Farming
*Plant fellstalk seeds and grow fellstalk in a herb patch
*One of the requirements for the Morytania elite tasks
- *Plant snapdragon seeds and grow snapdragon in an herb patch
*Plant featherfoil seeds and grow featherfoil in Daemonheim
- *Plant marrentill seeds and grow marrentill in an herb patch
- *Plant sweetcorn seeds and grow sweetcorn in an allotment patch
*Pick blightleaf in Daemonheim
- *Plant curry tree seeds and grow curry trees in a fruit tree patch
*Plant evil turnip seeds and grow evil turnips in their own patch
*Nurture elder evil tree saplings
- *Plant a crystal acorn south east of Prifddinas lodestone.
- *Plant marrentill seeds and grow marrentill in a herb patch
- *Plant gissel mushroom spores and grow gissel mushrooms in Daemonheim
- *Plant tarromin seeds and grow tarromin in an herb patch
- *Plant dwellberry seeds and grow dwellberries in a bush patch
*Plant spirit weed seeds and grow spirit weed in an herb patch
- *Plant wildblood seeds and grow wildblood hops in a hops patch
- *Plant lantadyme seeds and grow lantadyme in an herb patch
*Plant winter's grip seeds and grow winter's grip in Daemonheim
- *Plant toadflax seeds and grow toadflax in an herb patch
- *Plant lycopus seeds and grow lycopus in Daemonheim
- *One of the requirements for Fairytale III - Battle at Orks Rift
*Plant red, blue, and green blossom seeds, and grow red, blue, and green vine blossoms in Herblore Habitat
- *Plant apple tree seeds and grow apple trees in a tree patch
*One of the requirements for the Karamja medium tasks
- *Plant jangerberry seeds and grow jangerberries in a bush patch
- *Plant toadflax seeds and grow toadflax in a herb patch
- *Plant asgarnian seeds and grow asgarnian hops in a hops patch
- *Plant wergali seeds and grow wergali in Herblore Habitat
- *Plant lantadyme seeds and grow lantadyme in a herb patch
*Plant winter's grip seeds and grow winter's grip in Daemonheim
- *Pick spiritbloom in Daemonheim
*One of the requirements for the Tirannwn elite tasks
- *Plant dwellberry seeds and grow dwellberries in a bush patch
*Plant spirit weed seeds and grow spirit weed in a herb patch
- *Plant shengo seeds and grow shengo in Herblore Habitat
*Plant prickly pear seeds in the cactus patch
- *Plant papaya tree seeds and grow papaya trees in a fruit tree patch
*One of the requirements for the Ardougne hard tasks
*One of the requirements for the Tirannwn medium tasks
- *One of the requirements for Back to my Roots
*Plant the jade vine seed and grow the jade vine in the Handelmort Mansion patch in East Ardougne
*Plant bittercap mushroom spores and grow bittercap mushrooms in the mushroom patch
*One of the requirements for the Morytania medium tasks
*One of the requirements for the Ardougne hard tasks
- *One of the requirements for Garden of Tranquility
*Plant woad seeds and grow woad leaves in a flower patch
*Use the scroll of life
- *Plant yanillian seeds and grow yanillian hops in a hops patch
- *Plant orange tree seeds and grow orange trees in a fruit tree patch
- *Plant white lily seeds and grow white lilies in a flower patch