A databank is a component of Transformer anatomy the function of which is not entirely explained. Really, I don't have a clue on what it does beyond the fact that its mentioned several times....
thumb|De Databank De Databank is een onderdeel van StarWars.com, waarin allerhande informatie over onderwerpen uit het Star Wars Universum is terug te vinden, zowel Source als Achter de Schermen. Eens in de zoveel tijd zijn er updates, wat in de afgelopen tijd bijna allemaal What's the Story entries waren. De Databank is opgedeeld in:
* Characters
* Creatures
* Droids
* Locations
* Organizations
* Species
* Starships
* Technology
* Vehicles
Un banco de datos era un tipo de terminal electrónico usado para almacenar datos. Durante el Bloqueo de Hierro en el sector Anoat, un joven contrabandista encontró un databank en Anoat para Tam Bastion, un miembro de la Alianza para Restaurar la República.
A databank is a component of Transformer anatomy the function of which is not entirely explained. Really, I don't have a clue on what it does beyond the fact that its mentioned several times....
Databanks were a form of popular entertainment in the year 2294. The databank programs included Star Yachts, Interior Architecture and Luxury Worlds. All of these publications had features scans of the starship Plush Princess. (TOS novel: The Fearful Summons)
The Databanks are floating around near the Inventor's Library in the Storm Peaks.