| - Like it or not, commercials (or "adverts", as they're called in the UK and New Zealand) are a big part of TV all media. Categories:
* Basic Commercial Types
* Coming Attractions
* Weasel Words
* Notable CampaignsGeneral:
* 30-Day Free Trial
* Absolute Comparative
* Ad Bumpers
* Ad Nauseam
* Advert Overloaded Future
* All-Natural Snake Oil
* Allegedly Free Game
* Appliance Defenestration
* Asbestos-Free Cereal
* Attack of the Political Ad
* Before and After Pictures
* Billboard
* Billboard Epic
* Blipvert
* Tape Switch
* Blue Liquid Absorbent
* Brand Names Are Better
* Brand Name Takeover
* Brand X
* Breakaway Advertisement
* Bumper Sticker
* Cable-Satellite Mudslinging
* Character Shill
* City Shout Outs
* Clarke's Law for Girls Toys
* Commercial Break Cliffhanger
* Eyecatch
* Commercial Pop-Up
* Commercial Switcheroo
* Consumer Conspiracy
* Crunchtastic
* Dada Ad
* Damned By Faint Praise
* The Dead Rise to Advertise
* Deceptively Simple Demonstration
* Defenestrate and Berate
* Delicious Fruit Pies
* Design Student's Orgasm
* Disney Owns This Trope
* Dualvertisement
* Enforced Plug
* Everything Talks
* Animate Body Parts
* Organ Autonomy
* Ghost in The Machine
* Let's Meet the Meat
* Talking Pest
* Excuse Question
* Fake Food
* Fake Video Camera View
* Forced Meme
* Freemium
* Free Prize At the Bottom
* Get the Sensation
* Gourmet Pet Food
* Gratuitous Special Effects
* Green Christmas
* Hand or Object Underwear
* Here Comes the Science!
* Hive Mind Testimonial
* Homogenous Multinational Ad Campaign
* Hopemongering
* Hot Slot
* Iconic Logo
* Logo Joke
* Imagine Spot
* Insane Proprietor
* Internet Ads
* Invisible Advertising
* IProduct
* Japandering
* Just Pennies a Day
* Kitschy Local Commercial
* Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
* Limited Special Collectors Ultimate Edition
* Made in Country X
* Mascot
* Men Buy From Mars, Women Buy From Venus
* Mentos Finger
* Michael Mcglone
* Microtransactions
* Model Couple
* Neurosis Commercialis
* Never Needs Sharpening
* New and Improved
* We Don't Suck Anymore
* New Look, Same Great Taste
* Offer Void in Nebraska
* Oh, Hi There.
* Operators Are Standing By
* Our Product Sucks
* Our Slogan Is Terrible
* Parody Commercial
* Pepsi Challenge
* Pistol Pose
* Product Promotion Parade
* Product Switcheroo Ad
* Public Relations Ad
* Ridiculously Loud Commercial
* Salesman Cam
* Scare Campaign
* Scare'Em Straight
* Segregated Commercial
* Self Promotion Disguised As News
* Serving Suggestion
* Sex Sells
* Sexy Packaging
* Sex for Product
* Shaving Is Science
* Shoddy Knockoff Product
* Side By Side Demonstration
* Rigged Contest
* Side Effects Include
* Sigil Spam
* Similar to The Show
* If You Like X-Files...
* Slices, Dices, and Makes Julienne Fries
* Slogans
* Bite the Wax Tadpole
* Spokes Sue
* Starting From
* Stealth Cigarette Commercial
* Stepford Consumer
* Strawman Product
* Stuck On Band-Aid Brand
* Subliminal Seduction
* Subliminal Advertising
* Super Bowl Special (aka FIFA World Cup Special))
* The Man Is Sticking It to The Man
* The Power of Cheese
* Token Trio
* Too Incompetent to Operate A Blanket
* Totally Radical
* Trailers
* Trope Co Trope of the Week
* Two Chicks in A Kitchen
* Two Guys in A Garage
* Unfortunate Ingredients
* Up Marketing
* Viral Marketing
* In-Universe Marketing
* We Care
* We Suck Less
* What Were They Selling Again?
* Wolverine Publicity
* Xtreme Kool Letterz
* Letters 2 Numbers