| - Alpha Prime is now a war-torn husk of the glorious world that used to be. In a time now lost to history, a brilliant race thrived there. The planet was then called Mariedian. With technology the Mariedians ended crime; with technology they ended hunger; and with technology they ended war. Life was good. Hard labor was preformed by the Robota, complex machines design to perform arduous tasks. It was one grief-stricken scientist who after losing a child to a fatal accident, changed that beautiful world’s history forever. In an effort to save the child from death, he twisted science to preserve the soul of his child in the metal encasings of a Robota. Thus, the Soulborgs were born. Three Millennia pass, and now the Soulborg rule the planet, fighting among themselves in a constant state of war. Mariedians still exist, mostly as slaves on the prison planet Isadora. But there is a resistance. Small factions of Mariedians, driven deep underground, still fight the Soulborg. The Blastatrons, and their counterparts the Gladiatrons, were built to mimic the size, movement, and guerrilla fighting style of the Mariedian resistance — for the Mariedians continue to adapt and survive against great odds. While that disgusts many Soulborgs, others envy those traits.