| - (Inside Northern Fortress) Flora: Time to wake up, Lord/Lady Avatar! (Avatar opens their eyes) Felicia: Hey, wake up, Lord/Lady Avatar! Up and at 'em! (Avatar wakes up) Avatar: Hrmmm...What are you talking about? It's still dark outside. Gunter: Listen well, Prince/Princess. It may be dark, but it is indeed in morning. You have practice today. Jakob: I have taken the liberty of readying your armor, and, er, pounding out the dents. Your brother is a fearsome opponent, is he not? Avatar: Ugh. Fine. I'm still not completely awake though... Flora: Oh, we can help you with that! Felicia, would you please assist me? Felicia: Sure thing!
| - (Inside Northern Fortress) Flora: Time to wake up, Lord/Lady Avatar! (Avatar opens their eyes) Felicia: Hey, wake up, Lord/Lady Avatar! Up and at 'em! (Avatar wakes up) Avatar: Hrmmm...What are you talking about? It's still dark outside. Gunter: Listen well, Prince/Princess. It may be dark, but it is indeed in morning. You have practice today. Jakob: I have taken the liberty of readying your armor, and, er, pounding out the dents. Your brother is a fearsome opponent, is he not? Avatar: Ugh. Fine. I'm still not completely awake though... Flora: Oh, we can help you with that! Felicia, would you please assist me? Felicia: Sure thing! (Flora & Felicia touch Avatar) Avatar: Waauuugh! Cold cold cold! I'm awake! Totally awake now! (Avatar gets up) Flora: That's how we deal with slugabeds in the Ice Tribe! Avatar: *sigh* Trust me, I know. I wish I could have finished the dream I was having though... Jakob: Interesting. Do tell-what kind of dream was it? Avatar: It was...strange. Some people Who look like Hoshidans kept calling me their brother/sister. But all of my brothers and sisters are here in Nohr... Flora: Ah, Lord/Lady Avatar, perhaps we should talk about your dream another time? Felicia: It's time for you to get going, milord/milady. Prince Xander is waiting for you! (Avatar leaves the room, scene transition. At the roof top, Avatar is beaten by Xander while sparring) Leo: That's our brother for you. You won't beat the strongest knight in Nohr by sleeping all day, Avatar! Xander: Giving up so soon, Avatar? I expect more of you. You are a prince/princess of Nohr! Pick up your sword and try again. Avatar: But, Xander, I- Xander: We train like this so that we can defend ourselves from our enemies. Father has been tracking your progress. If you can't land a hit on me today...he may never permit you to leave the Northern Fortress. Ever. Avatar: What?! D-did he really say that? That's insane! Xander: Motivated, are we? Then use that fire to best me in battle, little Prince/Princess. If you would see the outside world beyond the view from your window, defeat me. Prove that all of the time I've devoted to training you has not be in vain!