Uthar Wynn was a human male Sith Master and the Headmaster of the Sith Academy on the Sith necropolis during the Jedi Civil War. Uthar Wynn wore sith headmaster uniform to identify that he was'nt humanoid but human and only humans could be masters at sith sorcery like uthar wyyn. Ever since uthar wyyn got his tattoos he lost his ability in sith martial arts and became the weakest sith ever but he did a good job of hiding it and pretended to be strong.
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- Uthar Wynn
- Uthar Wynn
- Uthar Wynn
| - Uthar Wynn was a human male Sith Master and the Headmaster of the Sith Academy on the Sith necropolis during the Jedi Civil War. Uthar Wynn wore sith headmaster uniform to identify that he was'nt humanoid but human and only humans could be masters at sith sorcery like uthar wyyn. Ever since uthar wyyn got his tattoos he lost his ability in sith martial arts and became the weakest sith ever but he did a good job of hiding it and pretended to be strong.
- [Source] Uthar Wynn était un Sith et le directeur de l'Académie Sith de Korriban durant la Guerre Civile Galactique. L'ancien maître d'Uthar était Jorak Uln. Il accueilli le nouveau Revan, sans savoir sa véritable identité, lorsque celui-ci intégra l'académie Sith pour s'emparer de la Carte Stellaire menant à Forge Stellaire. Son apprentie, Yuthura Ban, demanda à Revan de l'aider à le tuer lors de la dernière épreuve mais ce dernier dévoila à Uthar les sombres desseins de son apprentie. Celui-ci convia Revan à la mise à mort de Yuthura. Ce dernier n'eut aucun mal à la tuer mais il tua également Uthar.
- Uthar Wynn was a human male Sith Master and Headmaster of the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. He was killed by Revan and Yuthura Ban in the Tomb of Naga Sadow. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Uthar Wynn on Wookieepedia
- Uthar Wynn was the leader of the Sith academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. When Revan was seeking the Star Maps a second time, Uthar was leader at the Sith academy. He originally planned to have whichever apprentice survived the trials fight his apprentice, Yuthura Ban, who had become too ambitious for his health.
- Uthar Wynn era un varon humanoide con el rango de Maestro Sith y el director de la Academia Sith en el mundo cementerio Sith de Korriban durante la Guerra Civil Jedi. Wynn fue el aprendiz de su predecesor como director Jorak Uln, quien se fue de la Academia al perder el duelo por el titulo, porque Wynn no lo mato. Wynn entonces se convirtió en director de la Academia, tomando a la chica Twi'lek Yuthura Ban como su aprendiza. En el año final de la guerra, el actual Padawan Jedi y antiguo Señor Oscuro de los Sith Revan viajo a Korriban en busca de la Forja Estelar, una antigua estación de batalla rakata bajo el control del antiguo alumno de Revan y señor oscuro en curso, Darth Malak. Revan obtuvo la aprobación para entrar en la Academia de la alumna de Uln Yuthura Ban y el director asigno a
- Uthar Wynn was a humanoid male Sith Master and the Headmaster of the Sith Academy on the Sith necropolis Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. Wynn was apprenticed to the Academy's former Headmaster Jorak Uln, whom he eventually drove out of the Academy, although Wynn did not kill Uln. Wynn then became the Academy's Headmaster, taking the Twi'lek female Yuthura Ban as his apprentice. In the Jedi Civil War's final year, the Jedi Padawan Revan—who was the reconditioned, amnesiac former Dark Lord of the Sith—traveled to Korriban in search of the Star Forge, an ancient Rakatan space station under the control of Revan's former apprentice and the reigning Dark Lord, Darth Malak. Revan gained the approval for entrance into the Academy from Wynn's apprentice Ban, and the Headmaster assigned Ban as R
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| - Yuthura Ban
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*Dustil Onasi
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| - *Orden Sith
*Imperio Sith
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| - *Sithský řád
*Sithské impérium
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