| - The Endurance had a Class 1 hyperdrive and could carry 1,600 troops and enough consumables for five months. However, weapons had to be sacrificed to make room for extra fighters. Endurance-class fleet carriers were only armed with a secondary armament of twelve turbolaser cannons, twenty laser cannons, eight ion cannons, and four tractor beam projectors.[1] While they boasted improved hull integrity, their shields were markedly less powerful. Although they were equipped with a formidable anti-starfighter weapon system, the fleet carriers were usually protected by screening ships and starfighters. They were not designed to enter the savage heart of battle, but to deploy and coordinate smaller ships. The main fighting punch of an Endurance-class ship consisted of almost four wings of starfighters[2]. One wing was a short-range assault wing composed of K-wing bombers and Defender starfighters for close support. Another wing was a long-range superiority wing composed of hyperdrive-equipped fighters such as E-wings, A-wings, and X-wings.