| - Yoogish, commonly known as yoogs, were primate humanoids with elongated faces that drooped roughly a quarter of their height. Their primitive nature allowed for them to band together in large numbers, overwhelming their competition for food, shelter, or anything else that was important to their survival. They were sentient enough to work in menial labor but some that developed higher intelligence became scavengers and pirates. They largely inhabited the planet of Cytos, a tropical jungle covered world bombarded by heavy radiation from its sun Cyno.
| - Yoogish, commonly known as yoogs, were primate humanoids with elongated faces that drooped roughly a quarter of their height. Their primitive nature allowed for them to band together in large numbers, overwhelming their competition for food, shelter, or anything else that was important to their survival. They were sentient enough to work in menial labor but some that developed higher intelligence became scavengers and pirates. They largely inhabited the planet of Cytos, a tropical jungle covered world bombarded by heavy radiation from its sun Cyno. It was Yoogish that killed General Aurelius Tempest's family, resulting in his failed attempt to kill himself and the aftermath of his genocidal rampage to kill all Yoogish that he came across. Eventually the numbers of Yoogish diminished to merely a few thousand left on Cytos, and a trace population on other worlds after attempts by the Galactic Aid Organization to relocate them. By the time of Tempest's death, there were only about ten thousand Yoogish left in the entire galaxy In the years that followed, the Yoogish slowly repopulated to about one million by 120 ABY. Most inhabited "urban jungles" such as Coruscant, Denon, and Nar Shaddaa.