| - I don't think that was the reason of why the red Cross was removing in the place of "Heart". The religious cross has longer body than that one, like longer vertical line more than it horizontal one - the below part of vertical line is longer than the top part of where the cross met. --iFredCat 12:35, December 30, 2012 (UTC) Yeah, it's a simple red Cross. Of course, the artwork just had to be changed to avoid absolutely ANY religious reference. We all know crosses aren't allowed in this game. Well, my opinion anyway.--Let the Number take hold! 12:45, December 30, 2012 (UTC) That... has nothing to do with religious... It's an angel with a set of nurse cloth...? --iFredCat 12:52, December 30, 2012 (UTC) The Red Cross is a religious symbol. Kinda. In Muslim countries, it is replaced with a red moon crescent. In Jewish countries, it's replaced with a red star. So, yes, it really is a religious symbol. It was replaced with a heart to make the artwork more generic (and boring..). HPZ - O.N.E. - Captain Moe FTW ! (talk • contribs) 13:53, December 30, 2012 (UTC)