| - Overview
- Los Alfas eran una raza de reptiles que vivían en las ciudades del Planeta Alfa.
- The Alphas are a group of human werewolves.
- Alphas stand as the fathers of their allotted species.
- Ferals are enemies encountered in Far Cry Instincts: Predator.
- Alphas is mentioned in "The Closure Alternative" (S06E21) as being one of Sheldon's favorite TV shows. Naturally, Sheldon is devastated that the show had been canceled before it could end properly, so he calls Syfy to try to save "Alphas", but they hang up on him because they think he's crazy even though his mother had him tested. This behavior leads Amy to try and cure Sheldon's compulsive need for closure, but as soon as she leaves, her task proves to be all for naught. Afterwards, Sheldon calls Bruce Miller, the writer of the last "Alphas" episode, on how the cliffhanger would be resolved and hangs up, apparently disappointed with the response.
- It seems to be a rule that in every group of humans that numbers over one hundred, the group will break up into smaller groups, and one of these groups will declare itself an ‘elite’. The ‘Alphas’ are Whateley’s self-appointed elite. More than a clique, the Alphas are an uber-clique, a grouping of smaller sets that identify themselves as superior to the run of the mill student. Ever since the ‘exemplar’ trait was identified in 1982, exemplars have been an almost defining aspect of the Alpha cliques. Still, being an exemplar doesn’t guarantee someone entry into an Alpha set, nor does not being an exemplar bar someone from an Alpha set. While exemplars are the largest segment of the Alphas, package deal psychics and avatars are also routinely considered, and other trait-groupings are conside
- Die Alphas sind die Bewohner des kleinen Planeten Alpha 707 und kommen somit erstmals in "Befehl aus dem Dunkel" vor.Sie sind eine humanoide anmutende und die menschliche Sprache beherrschende Rasse und benötigen ebenso wie Menschen, Wasser zum Überleben. Allerdings sind sie hochintelligent und dadurch enorm hochentwickelt und den Menschen technisch somit weit überlegen. Sie sind so begabt, dass sie technische Geräte, wie z. B. ihre Raumschiffe, aber auch einfach gestrickte Lebewesen, wie z. B. Godzilla oder Radon, nur mit Hilfe ihres Verstandes und ihres Willens beeinflussen, steuern, lenken und sogar kontrollieren können. Zu ihren innovativsten Erfindungen gehören wohl Kraftfelder, die z. B. die Erdanziehung außer Kraft setzen können, wodurch Gegenstände oder auch Lebewesen in die Luft g