| - Yae Fujimoto (connue sous le pseudonyme Yae 八恵) est une artiste japonaise labellisée chez Pony Canyon.
- thumb|120px Yae Towada besuchte mit ihrem Freund Takumi das Dorf Hinamizawa, nachdem die Sperrung aufgehoben war. Takumi und sie befanden sich in einer Nacht im Furude-Schrein, nachdem Lichter darin ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf ihn gezogen hatten. Obwohl es den Anschein hat, dass Takumi einfach nur schläft, ist er in Wahrheit schon tot. Die Gruppe erkennt schließlich, dass sie Takumi getötet hat, nachdem er sie ständig misshandelt hatte. Als sie hört, dass er verzweifelt war und versucht hatte den Zustand zu beheben, beschloss sie, bei seiner Leiche zurückzubleiben. Später verlässt sie die Gruppe mit einer Schusswaffe, und es scheint, sie könnte Selbstmord begehen. Am Ende entscheidet sie sich stattdessen dafür, Otobe mit der Waffe zu retten. Sie plant, nach dem Verlassen des Dorfs ein neues Le
- Yae is a kunoichi for SIN, or Secret Investigational Ninjas. She first meets Goemon and Ebisumaru in Mystical Ninja 1, after they rescued her from being held captive. She then gave them a lead to the whereabouts of Princess Yuki. She encounters them several times afterwards in Ganbare Goemon 2, where she is working on leads to find out where the Magginesu is. Despite her seacret ageint work, she still ends up being kidnapped by Magginesu, leaving Goemon, Ebismaru, and Sasuke to rescue her along with Princess Yuki, Lord Yuki, and Omitsu. It is only at the beginning of Ganbare Goemon 3 that she becomes a playable character, with her joining the party as they investigate a local fireworks town in an attempt to find a way to bring Wiseman back from the future. She, along with Goemon and the ot
| - thumb|120px Yae Towada besuchte mit ihrem Freund Takumi das Dorf Hinamizawa, nachdem die Sperrung aufgehoben war. Takumi und sie befanden sich in einer Nacht im Furude-Schrein, nachdem Lichter darin ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf ihn gezogen hatten. Obwohl es den Anschein hat, dass Takumi einfach nur schläft, ist er in Wahrheit schon tot. Die Gruppe erkennt schließlich, dass sie Takumi getötet hat, nachdem er sie ständig misshandelt hatte. Als sie hört, dass er verzweifelt war und versucht hatte den Zustand zu beheben, beschloss sie, bei seiner Leiche zurückzubleiben. Später verlässt sie die Gruppe mit einer Schusswaffe, und es scheint, sie könnte Selbstmord begehen. Am Ende entscheidet sie sich stattdessen dafür, Otobe mit der Waffe zu retten. Sie plant, nach dem Verlassen des Dorfs ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Kategorie:Charakter Kategorie:Weiblich
- Yae is a kunoichi for SIN, or Secret Investigational Ninjas. She first meets Goemon and Ebisumaru in Mystical Ninja 1, after they rescued her from being held captive. She then gave them a lead to the whereabouts of Princess Yuki. She encounters them several times afterwards in Ganbare Goemon 2, where she is working on leads to find out where the Magginesu is. Despite her seacret ageint work, she still ends up being kidnapped by Magginesu, leaving Goemon, Ebismaru, and Sasuke to rescue her along with Princess Yuki, Lord Yuki, and Omitsu. It is only at the beginning of Ganbare Goemon 3 that she becomes a playable character, with her joining the party as they investigate a local fireworks town in an attempt to find a way to bring Wiseman back from the future. She, along with Goemon and the others, ends up getting trapped in the futuristic Neo-Edo after Bismaru opens a time portal in Edo. It is only after gathering the eight Precious Metals and defeating Bismaru that Yae and crew are able to return to their time. Some time after this, she joins Goemon and the rest of the group right from the beginning in Ganbare Goemon 4. It is in this game that Impact reveals that he is a sentient robot, and that there is actually a Planet Impact, where most of the citizens bear his face. Unfortunately, shortly after discovering this planet, the evil Seppekumaru has taken it over as well as placing a force field around the entire planet. This force field is kept in place by four generators, with one on each of Planet Impact’s four moons. Yae is in charge of destroying the generator on the “water” moon, which she does after defeating the henchmen Seppekumaru charged with guarding it. She meets up with Goemon, Ebisumaru, and Sasuke on Planet Impact, where they work together with Impact to stop Seppekumaru from destroying the entire planet via giant metallic boulder. They are successful, and Seppekumaru is taken to the sun by Impact, only to break free and cause Impact to be thrown back to Earth with the others. In Goemon’s Great Adventure, Yae encounters the others on Ryugu Island, where she tells them that there is a great deal of supernatural activity going on around Japan. She travels with Goemon and company all over, until they enter into the Underworld. There, they find Dochuki, who had previously been released by Bismaru, and finally defeat both of them in the Sky Palace.
- Yae Fujimoto (connue sous le pseudonyme Yae 八恵) est une artiste japonaise labellisée chez Pony Canyon.