| - The Inhumans are a race of former ancient human beings that were experimented on by the Kree, locking in their genetic code with the potential to transform and acquire superhuman abilities once exposed to the Terrigen Mist by way of the Terrigen Crystals. They go through a process called Terrigenesis.
- Way advanced beyond Homosexuals, even when Homosexuals were still living in caves, the Inhumans were the spawn of a same-sex union between Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, extraterrestrial lovers from Uranus.
- The Inhumans are a race of altered human beings that were the result of experiments on ancient humans by the extraterrestrial race, the Kree, embedding into their genetic code the potential to transform and acquire superhuman abilities through a process known as Terrigenesis.
- The Inhumans are an offshoot of the human race, deliberately created by the Kree, who spliced their own DNA with that of early humans. No two Inhumans have identical powers and there's no known way to predict what power an Inhuman will receive after they experience terrigenesis. Inhumans only receive their powers after they are exposed to the terrigen mist and go through terrigenesis. According to Lincoln, each Inhuman is given a power meant to fulfill some kind of evolutionary need and create equilibrium within the species.
- Die Inhumans sind Personen, deren Gene sich von denen "normaler" Menschen unterscheiden. Die Ursache hierfür sind Experimente, die die Kree vor tausenden von Jahren mit ihren Vorfahren durchgeführt haben. Inhumans haben in ihrem Gencode die Möglichkeit eingebaut, übermenschliche Kräfte zu entwickeln. Diese werden durch den Prozess der Terrigenese aktiviert.
- Na początku wojny między Kree, a Skrullami, która zaczęła się miliony lat temu rasa Kree założyła bazę na Uranie, który był strategicznym miejscem pomiędzy Imperium Kree i Skrulli. Podczas ich pracy mogli oni oglądać powstawanie niezbyt interesujących form życia, jednak po roku odkryli, że rozumne życie na Ziemi ma bardzo duży potencjał genetyczny zainwestowany w nich przez rasę Celestials. Zaintrygowani Kree zaczęli eksperymenty na Ziemi, potem prymitywni ludzie zostali objęci programem Terrigenezy. Kree robili to, ponieważ chcieli obejść zaporę ewolucyjną swojej rasy, przez co mogliby stworzyć rasę potężnych, zmutowanych żołnierzy, którzy pokonaliby Kree. Chociaż ich eksperymenty szły bardzo dobrze, to jednak Najwyższa Inteligencja kazał im zaprzestać dalszych eksperymentów. Organiczny s
- The comic book series has usually focused more specifically on the adventures of the Inhuman Royal Family, and many people associate the name "Inhumans" with this particular team of super-powered characters. The Inhuman Royal Family had been adapted to numerous Marvel animated series and video games over the years. Inhuman characters were introduced in live-action in the second season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.