| - Arthur: You know what this is a picture of? give up? it's a polar bear eating a marshmallow in a snowstorm. Arthur: Hey! I'm over here! Hello! (He finds Pal) There you are! (Arthur places Pal on his head) Arthur: You know what's worse than walking your dog in a snowstorm? Walking your dog in a blizzard! But you have to walk your dog. If you have a dog, you know what I mean. D.W: Arthur! (Her head is visible when she jumps) Arthur: What?! D.W.: Your Mom says "come inside"! Arthur: (resumes shoveling snow) I'm trying! D.W.? (D.W.'s head pops up near Arthur. Arthur screams) D.W.: Hey! Did you see a polar bear eating a marshmallow out here? Arthur: Don't be silly. There are no polar bears in this part of the world. (The penguin rolls around in the snow in front of Arthur and D.W.) Arthur: I've ben hoping for snow, but this is ridiculous. (The scene fades to black, then fades to the title card reading "The Blizzard" with the Read family taking a picture) Announcer: The Blizzard. (The title cards fades to black, then fades to the exterior of the Reads house in a falling snow) Dr. Jake: And we'll be getting a light dusting of snow overnight. (Cut to Arthur's room. Arthur is looking out his window) Arthur: It's snowing! Maybe school will be closed and I'll be forced to play in the snow all day. David Read: The weatherman says it will just be a light dusting. Now get back into bed! Arthur: (Groans) Who wants just a dusting of little snow? (Fade to black, then fade to the exterior of the Reads house, with snow still falling. There's a deep blanket of snow everywhere outside. We hear the dog bark in the distance. Cut to the radio inside; Jane adjusts the tuner knob. Arthur is still in his pajamas) Arthur: (Excited) There's snow everywhere! And it's still snowing! David Read: Why aren't you dressed? Arthur: Maybe school is closed. Dr. Jake: (on radio) The snow will stop soon and it'll be a sunny day! No school closings to announce. Arthur: Why do weather men never say the right thing? (Cut to the exterior of Lakeside Elementary School, with snow still falling) (Rattles striggles to ride the bike in a snowstorm. Fade to the classroom, with Arthur, Buster and Francine, all looking out the window) Francine: I was hoping school might be cancelled. I can't finish my dumb history report. (She shows Arthur her report with only one sentence written) Arthur: You couldn't finish a one-page history report about the pioneers? Francine: The pioneers didn't have cars, or electricity or television! Those people were D-U-U-U-U-L-L-L-dul-l-l-l-l-l! Mr. Ratburn: (enters the classroom) Sorry I'm late. Let's jump right into work. (The school loses power) Mr. Morris: (enters the classroom) Bad news. The storm is getting worse. The building's lost electricity, so the school is closed! (The students cheer as Mr. Ratburn gasps in shock) Francine: All right! Now I'll have extra time to do my history report! Mr. Ratburn: As you exit, hand in your history report on the pioneers. (Francine closes her eyes in shock) Mr. Ratburn: I could give you an "F", but I won't. (Francine smiles in relief. Cut to the exterior of Lakewood Elementary School, with students running and playing in the snow) Arthur: (to Francine) Why are you mad? He's not gonna give you an "F", right? Francine: No, but I have to write a three-page report while everyone else gets to play in the snow! Buster: (in his snow angel) That would'nt have happened if you did it when you're supposed to. (A snowball gets thrown onto Buster's face) Buster: (spits out some snow) Hey! (Cut to Francine's bedroom. Francine is reading the book on his computer desk) Francene: "The pioneers crossed the country and had hardships like bad weather." (She closes the book) So what? What if they would stay where they would and invent airplanes then cross the country? (Pan to Francine's window) Duh! (Cut to David Read shovelling snow and Jane read using the snowblower. Snow still falling) D.W.: Wow! It's so deep! David: This is nothing. I remember one time when we had snow over my head. (He raises his hand above her head) Jane Read: (with carton of gasoline) Wasn't that when you were younger than D.W.? David: (laughing) Oh, yeah, right. (The winds starts gusting) The storm's getting worse! Everybody, inside! Arthur and Buster: (in the snow castle) Aww! (Cut to Kate reed and Pal looking out the window. Fade to Kate's mind with Pal pulling the sled to Santa at the North Pole) Santa: (laughing) Welcome to ToyLand, Kate! (He opens the door; lots of presents inside. Fade back to Kate, then pan to Pal, panting) (Fade to Pal's mind with Kate pulling the sled to Santa at the North Pole. Santa: Dinnertime, Pal! (He walks out of the way to show meat cooling on the barbecue grill) (Fade back to Kate and Pal, still looking out the window. They sigh) (Cut to Francine doing her homework on her computer. Francine's house loses power) Francine: Daddy, power's out! Can't finish my report without the computer! I'm going to build a snowman! Francine's father: (hands Francine a pencil and a few sheets of paper) Keep working. Francine: (disappointed) I bet I'm the only person in town not having fun! (Cut to Mr. Ratburn, working on his car in a snowstorm) Mr. Morris: You fellas can't leave! Mr. Ratburn: I must go or I'll never get tomorrow's lesson plan prepared. Mr. Haney: (inside his car) And I'm hungry! Mr. Morris: By the power vested in me, by Local 12 Maintenance Workers and Gym Teachers Union, under janitorial law, you gotta help me drain the pipes! If they freeze, the school will be closed for a full month. Mr Ratburn: (gasps in horror) No! We can't let that happen! Mr. Haney: (horrified) Oh! (Cut to Prunella, giving the psychic reading to Brain) Prunella: There's gonna be much more snow and you're gonna meet a tall, dark stranger. Brain: If you don'd mind, I prefer an expert opinion. (He turns on the radio) Female announcer: (on radio) Another weather update from our meteorologist, Dr. Jake. (Cut to Dr. Jake in the station studio) Dr. Jake: There's gonna be much more snow and you're gonna meet a tall, dark stranger. Back to you, Brenda. Brain: Mom, can we go home now?! Brain's mother: No, our electricity's out. Prunella: Wanna know your grades in college? Brain: No! (Cuts to the kitchen with Ratburn, Morris and Haney. Mr. Morris is looking at the pail of water and Mr. Haney turns the valve) Mr. Haley: (grunts) The only way to ever be sure the pipes don't freeze would be for us to stay here all night. Mr. Morris: That's the spirit! I appreciate your volunteering. Mr. Haley: What? No, I-I didn't mean-I...I'm hungry! Mr. Morris: I got plenty of beans for us all! (He winks) (Mr. Ratburn and Haley stick their tongues out in disgust) (Cut to Arthur and Pal looking out the window) Dr. Jake: (on radio) Don't worry! There's a zero percent chance of freezing rain. (However, the weather changes from snow to freezing rain anyway, and the electrical pole begin to freeze. The snowplow driver gets stuck and struggle to keep plowing) (The electrical pole breaks down and breaks the parked car in process) (Cut to the large metal cable poles. The ice weighs down the cable poles, causing numerous power outages across Elwood Town. Cut to D.W.'s bedroom) D.W.: Mommy! Daddy! The town is exploding and it's very pretty!
- Chuckie: (voice-over) "Janucember sixty second, it was a night just like any other and then disaster striked." [Instead of January or December] Chaz: Better watch where you leave your toys, Chuckie. Stu: Boy, it's really coming down out there, Pop. Grandpa: Yep, looks like we might have a real blizzard on our hands. Stu: I ll get it! Phil: The grown ups say a brizzards coming down on us. Lil: What's a "Brizzard"? Tommy: I don't know, but don't worry, our Dads would never let anything bad happen to us. Chuckie: Guys! My brand new fire engine! It's broke! It was my favoritist fire engine I ever had, Santa brought it too me. Tommy: Don't worry, Chuckie! Chuckie: Don't worry? First a brizzard and now this, what's not too worry about? Stu: I can't believe it! Didi said she's staying over with Betty and Howard on account of the snow. Grandpa: But they're just next door! Chazz: Better safe than sorry! Chuckie: (voice over) "Decembercember first, the next morning we waked up to a big surprise." (end voice over) Wake up Tommy wake up! Tommy: What Is it Chuckie? Lil: Hey look, the sky is falling!! Tommy: That must be it Chuckie, a brizzard is when the sky falls! Chuckie: No wonder my Dad did`nt want to go outside! Grandpa: Looks like the North Pole out there, eh, scouts? Chuckie: (voice over) "It was then that I got my idea." Stu: Yippee schools been cancelled! Chaz: Stu your thirty five years old, you don't have to go to school anymore. Stu: Oh yeah your right, but isn't this snow great? (Lil knocks over glass of milk) I can't wait to take the kids outside! Chaz: Hey, Stu, think fast! Stu: Why, you! Hey, Pop, can you keep an eye on the kids for a minute? Lil: Ahhh! Phil: (laughs) That was fun! Chuckie: Hey guys, I got a great idea to fix my fire engine! Phil: You do? Lil: What is it? Chuckie: Well, Tommy's Grandpa said the North pole was near here right? Tommy: Yeah? Chuckie: And that's where Santa lives right? Tommy: Yeah... Chuckie: So we can go to the North pole find Santa and he'll fix my fire engine! Tommy: Oh, let me get this straight, you want to go all the way to the North pole? Chuckie: Oh, yeah... Tommy: You want to climb over dangerous ice mountains, fight the scary storm and cross miles of frozen plungers? Chuckie: Well, when you put it that way... Tommy: Chuckie, that's a great idea! Phil & Lil: Yeah! Angelica: Go see Santa without me? We'll see about that! heh, heh, heh! (evil laugh) Lil: Wait!!! Tommy: Sorry, Lil, but we gotta travel light, we can only bring important stuff. Lil: Hmmm, I guess your right! Chuckie: We're never going to get to the North poll this way! Tommy: You're right, Chuckie. Hey, Spike! Yeah, march! Chuckie: (voice over) "Decembuary eleventh, we set out on expilition to the North pole, I was worried, but as usual our leader Tommy didn't seem to be a scared he's a brave baby, I just hope he know what he was doing..." Chuckie: Avalanche, avalanche!! Chuckie: (voice over) "Septober fifty eight, no sign of Santa or the North Pole, I could see the others we're getting worried so I decided to speak up..." Chuckie: Who's bright idea was this anyway? Tommy: Don't worry, the North Pole must be around here some place. Lil: What are we going to do now Tommy? Tommy: I don't know, I guess we're stuck here. Chuckie: But Tommy it's so cold. Phil: Yeah a wet diaper would freeze in no time out here! Tommy: We gotta bulid an igloo come on! Chuckie: (voice over) "So we started to build, I did'nt have the heart to ask Tommy how a house made out of cold snow could possibly keep us warm." Lil: And we got part of a Reptar bar and some lint and a penny. Chuckie: That's all the food? Lil: That's it! Tommy: Okay, you guys, we gotta make this last until somebody finds us. Phil: Can I have the lint?? Chuckie: What if nobody finds us? Tommy: They'll come Chuckie, they gotta come. Lil: I'm cold. Chuckie: I'm hungry. Phil: I'm cold and hungry and I think I need a new diaper! Tommy: You guys, I better go get help. Chuckie: But Tommy It's freezing out there, we're miles from civilization, you'll never make it. Tommy: Maybe not, but I gotta try, I got you guys into this mess and Im gonna get you out. Chuckie: What a brave baby... Phil & Lil: Bring fresh diapers!! Angelica: (throws snowball at Tommy) Halt, who goes there? Tommy: It's me, Tommy! Angelica: I am Angelinook of the North, why came you unbidden to my snowbound kingdom! Tommy: Huh? Angelica: What are you doing here? Tommy: Oh! My sled crahsed and it's cold and we're all out of Reptar bars. Angelica: You weren't on your way to see Santa we're you? Tommy: Well, yeah we we're! Angelica: Baby, this is your lucky day, Angelinook of the North is going to save you and your friend and we're all going to go to the North pole! Tommy: We are? Angelica: Yep! Tommy: Say, why are you helping us like this? Angelica: Oh, no special reason, I mean the North pole is where all the toys in the world are kept, but really, I'm just doing this 'cause I'm your friend Tommy. Tommy: Gee thanks! Chuckie: (voice over) "Decembuary thirty third, still no sign of Tommy, but I fear none was lost." Phil: Where do you think Tommy Is? Lil: Maybe he got eaten by polar bears? Phil: Or wolves! Lil: Or the abondable snowman! Phil: Or a penguin! Chuckie & Lil: A penguin??? Chuckie: I think we gotta go find him Phil: Why you wanna go find a penguin? Chuckie: Come on! *Grabs hands* Chuckie: (voice over) "And so we we're off, in search of our lost companion." Chuckie: I thought you were eaten by a polar bear! Tommy: I thought you guys were frozen solid! Angelica: Hey babies, anybody want a Reptar bar? Babies: Yeah! Angelica: Not so fast, If I'm gonna do something for you, you gotta do something for me. Chuckie: (voice over) "Decembuary one hundred and fifty six, with the help of Angelinook of the the North, we was once more headed for the pole, as much as I feared her strange victory ways, I sensed her experience would serve us well." Angelica: March, march, what's the hold up? Tommy: We're lost. Angelica: You dumb babies, how hard can it be to find the North pole, all you gotta do is go North! Chuckie: Lets face it! No one knows where we're going! We'll just keep going around in circles till we freeze! Well, not me! I quit! Angelica: You can't quit! Chuckie: I can too and that's just what I'm gonna do! Tommy: Wait Chuckie, look! Angelica: The North Pole! Tommy: Come on guys! Angelica: Wait a minute, If this is the North Pole, where's Santas house? I don't see nothing! No toy factory! No funny little elves! Not even a lame old reindeer turd! [yelling at Tommy] And where's Santa Claus house huh? Where's Santa Claus??? Chuckie: Oh no you guys! Don't you see? Lil: What? Chuckie: We must of got turned around somewhere! This isn't the North Pole at all! Phil: It's not? Chuckie: No, it's the South Pole! Angelica: Great, you babies have done it again. Tommy: Wait, don't you see what we did? Phil: Made another mistake? Lil: Got ourselves lost forever? Tommy: No! we've done the impossible! We've faces the elephants! Beat up the odds! We've tracked across the frozen wildermess! Angelica: So? Tommy: We've done something no other babies have done before, we've discovered the South Pole!! Babies: Yay!! Chuckie: What's that? Angelica: (shouting) Oh no, the adominable snowman! (normal voice, to audience) He lives down here, you know! Chuckie: I can't look! Grandpa: Hey kids, having fun? Maybe it's time you sprouts came inside to warm up. Angelica: No toys! Not one single measly toy! Lil: At least we had fun. Tommy: And my Grandpa fixed Chuckie's fire truck so we didn't even have to bother Santa! Chuckie: (voice over) "Barch 1st. Our ordeal is over. (Pan to window) We have rebelled with the naked North and this time at least, (cut to baby bottle flag) we have won.