| - The Time of the Hero (Spanish: La Ciudad y los Perros, translated literally as The City and the Dogs) is a 1963 novel. It was the first novel published by Mario Vargas Llosa. It deals with a group of students in a military school in Lima, Perú; their relationships, their backgrounds, their lives in a school ruled by strict military rules. The novel is noteworthy for experimenting with multiple perspectives and is required literature in Latin American countries.
* Absurdly Powerful Student Council: The Circle.
* Anachronic Order
* Author Tract: Military rule promotes things like manliness, sexuality and courage but cripples other things like personal development.
* Biggus Dickus: The Boa.
* Black Comedy: Throughout the book.
* Butt Monkey: The Slave.
* Depraved Homosexual: Paulino.
* Determinator: The Jaguar.
* Five-Bad Band:
* The Big Bad: The Jaguar.
* The Dragon: The Boa.
* The Evil Genius: Brigadier Arróspide.
* The Brute: Curly.
* The Dark Chick: Vallano.
* The Lancer: Cava.
* Humiliation Conga: It happens to a lot of characters, usually not Played for Laughs.
* In Medias Res
* In the Back: The Slave.
* Initiation Ceremony: Happens when the boys enter the academy; the humiliating variety.
* Karma Houdini: The Jaguar goes unpunished even after he reveals the truth to Lt. Gamboa, because the case was already close.
* Military School
* Only Known by Their Nickname: The Poet, the Jaguar, the Slave, the Boa and others.
* Pick on Someone Your Own Size
* Prison Rape: In a military academy.
* Reassigned to Antarctica: Lt. Gamboa is reassigned to Juliaca (for those who don’t know, it’s only a few miles from the Titicaca Lake, shared with Bolivia).
* The Reveal
* Sadist Teacher: Blended with Drill Sergeant Nasty.
* The Spartan Way
* The Stool Pigeon: The Slave, who only snitches because he wants to get out of the academy to see the girl he likes. After his death, Alberto decides to rat out the Circle.
* Teens Are Monsters
* Those Two Guys: Tico and Pluto.
* Write What You Know: Vargas Llosa spent a couple of years in the academy in his youth.