| - If Canada and the United States don't merge politically and become Canadamerica by the year 2021, America could devolve into a neo-Confederate fascist police state as it is slowly becoming as a result of the Second Dark Ages. Even as we speak, conservative Christian Republican Congressmen are hacking into Wikipedia and replacing all the useful/liberal information about U.S. politics with useless/conservative information that teaches people to obey the Republican party and "disregard what they hear in the public school system." Ideas such as human cloning, male pregnancy, stem cell research, interstellar travel and nanotechnology become unthinkable even in fiction literature. Supporters of re-wilding are denounced by the conservative (and definitely not online) newspapers and are killed for "trying to save the environment from excessive industrial and military buildups." Most conservative Christian Americans don't read books, enjoy nature, spend time by themselves, think independently or have meaningful conversations. Instead, they drive very fast, watch excessive amounts of television on wall-size sets, and listen to conservative talk radio and country music. Books are considered evil because they make people question and think; which is a liberal trait. The people live in a world with no reminders of history or appreciation of the past. Until nanobots were manufactured to scrub away all the world's pollution in 2025, America's toxic air pollution was extremely problematic; especially with the industries being extremely de-regulated.