| - Ryan: “Ack!” Watch it!” Ryan: “Nate! What happened to that Fennekin?” Nate: “Ryan! Fennekin escaped the lab but got attack by some wild Spearow. Luckily Raichu and I got there in time.” Ryan: “I’m not going to brush this off! I’m gonna see this through to the end! And possibly help Fennekin if I can!” Ryan (As he’s rummaging): “Hey Nate, when Fennekin wakes up, can I give this to her?” Nate: “You remind me of Jon, my brother. When he was on the ranch in Hoenn, he always brought home and looked after injured Pokemon.” Ryan: “I hope Fennekin’s going to be okay.” Nate: “Fennekin will be fine. I'm just not sure of the reason why she keeps running off.” Ryan: “I’m not sure why she would either. Except for the obvious ‘wants-to-be-free’, but It doesn’t seem likely to me.” Nate: “Well, what are you going to do now?” Ryan: “Ow!” Ryan: “Ow! What the heck!?” Nate: “What?” Ryan: “One of my Pokeballs has gone crazy!” Ryan: “Nate! Get me rubber gloves stat! That’s Froakie’s Pokeball! I need to free him before something terrible happens!” Fennekin (worried): “Kin! Fennekin!” Ryan: “AAAAAAAAH!” Ryan: “Fennekin!” Ryan: “Are you okay?” Fennekin: “Kin…” Ryan: “Fennekin!? Fennekin wake up!” Ryan: “Why did you have to do that!? I was fine!” Ryan: “Nate! Bring the Oran Berry! NOW!” Ryan: “Whew. Fennekin, while I appreciate what you did, I had it under control. You didn’t have to jump in like that.” Ryan: “What do you think happened to Froakie’s Pokeball?” Nate: “No idea, but you'll need another one to capture Froakie again. Either that or Froakie goes on your shoulder.” Nate: “You dropped this the last time you were here.” Ryan: “Oh! My brother made them for me! He’d kill me for losing this after all the work he did on it. Hey check this out!” Ryan: “Lumiose Gym! Of course it was Froakie who was affected! He’s a Water Type! Maybe, while we were there, some kind of electrical energy hit the Pokeball, and Froakie strengthened the effect because of his water attacks.” Nate: “I don’t know. Wait, you challenged the Lumiose Gym THAT early?! You should do what Jon is doing, and what I done when I travelled the Kalos Region.” Ryan: “I know, I know I was stupid!” Ryan: “I met a trainer named Anthony on Route 4. He helped me catch my newest Pokemon.” He brings out Pumpkaboo. Ryan: “We had a battle, and I apparently wasn’t up to his expectations. He said some things that got me hot-headed, which is why I went to Lumiose Gym. It didn’t help that I had been successful battling and catching every wild Pokemon I came across. It made me too cocky.” Nate: “You’re starting out. You will be over confident a few times, maybe a lot of times. But you need to remember one thing when battling. Keep an eye out on your surroundings and then base your strategy off that.” Ryan (Smiling): “Thanks Nate. Hey, what does your brother look like? I might have seen him leaving the Gym the when I arrived.” Nate: “Jon is in Cyllage City at the moment. Jon looks like 6 foot, blonde hair, green shirt and brown shorts. You may run into him.” Ryan: “Oh. Thanks for the clear-up.” Ryan: “RATS! We didn’t check if Froakie was okay!” Nate: “Then let’s check.” Nate: “Froakie will be fine. Just needs an Oran Berry and a Cheri Berry too.” Ryan: “Don’t have any Cheri Berries though. Though, obviously, the lab does….Right?” Nate: “I had one spare.” Ryan: “Don’t worry Froakie. Eat those berries and you’ll be fine.” Froakie: “Froakie.” Ryan: “Wow. I guess you get really to know how to help other Pokemon when you live with them for a long time huh Fennekin.” Fennekin (Smiling): “Kin.” Nate: “It’s always been in Fennekin’s nature.” Nate: “Thanks for feeding everyone Raichu.” Ryan: “A Raichu?” Ryan: “Oh come on! That stupid Pokeball was enough to scramble the Pokedex!?” Nate: “Raichu, can you take out the excess electricity?” Ryan: “We could have just done that with the Pokeball! If I had known that, I wouldn’t have let it explode!” Nate: “Well. Were you going to look up Raichu in the Pokedex?” Ryan: “Oh yeah. Oh, while I’m not expecting any, we might want to check if there’s anything left of the Pokeball, and if there are, if it can be fixed.” Pokedex: Raichu, the Electric Type Mouse Pokemon, and the evolved form of Pikachu. It can release 100,000-volt bursts of electricity, instantly downing foes several times its size.” Ryan: “Whoa. Cool! Thanks for allowing me to look you up Raichu. You’re one cool Pokemon.” Nate: “No problem. So, where are you heading now?” Ryan: “Probably to the next Gym. And this time, I’ll be doing Gym battles in the proper, commonly-done order. Where is the next Gym by the way?” Nate: “Next logical one is in Cyllage City.” Ryan: “Cool, thanks.” Ryan: “Um, I’m not too sure how to return Froakie with his new Pokeball. Do I need to throw it again, or simply return him normally?” Nate: “Apparently, like that.” Ryan: “Does that count as one of my captures?” Nate: “No, Froakie was already yours.” Ryan: “Huh? What’s that?” Nate: “It seems a new trainer has come to pick up Fennekin.” Ryan: “Awesome!” Ryan: “I forgot about the Pokeball!” Ryan (showing them to Nate): “You think Professor Sycamore can fix it?” Nate: “I’m afraid not. I need to help look after the lab. Nice seeing you again Ryan. Come on Raichu.” Ryan (thinking): “That’s okay, I’ll just take it to the Pokeball Factory instead. The people there are bound to be able to fix it.” Ryan: “Hi, I’m Ryan. Looking to start a journey are we?” ???: “Yeah. I’m Randel. I promised my friend Ash I’d battle him someday, and that’s what I plan to do!” Ryan: “Ha ha, well just make sure you choose the Pokemon you feel is right for you, and not the one you think will get you the most wins.” Randal: “I know.” Randel: “Wow! Is that Fennekin yours?” Ryan: “Oh, no, she lives here at the lab.” Ryan: “Ow! Chespin, you little…” Randel: “Wow, A Chespin! Ash and his friends had a Chespin too!” Ryan (stops petting Fennekin): “So, who’s your choice?” Randel: “Fennekin!” Ryan: “What why not?” Fennekin: “Fennekin, Fen Kin!” Ryan: “Oh, you want to stay because you want to help the professors take care of the other Pokemon?” Randal: “That’s so cool! It’s okay, you don’t have to be my partner if you don’t want to Fennekin.” Ryan: “C’mon Chespin, let’s go. Bye Randel!” Narrator: “Ryan, after a huge defeat at the Lumiose Gym, saw Nate carrying a Fennekin. Ryan went along and followed Nate to help him with Fennekin. However, Froakie’s Pokeball sparked and was going to explode, but luckily Ryan got Froakie out. Now, with the news of another trainer called Jon, Ryan continues his journey with his faithful companion Chespin.”