| - El trescientos noventa y siete (397) es el número natural que sigue al 396 y precede al 398. Categoría:Números
- Marian wird Zeuge eines dramatischen Überlebenskampfes. Zwar stirbt Nadja nicht, aber ihr gemeinsames Baby ist tot. Marian ist in tiefer Trauer und weiß nicht, wie er Nadja das Unvorstellbare übermitteln kann. Ingo gesteht Annette, dass er Vater eines Kindes ist. Annette ist überfordert und erschrocken, über die Sachlichkeit, mit der Ingo damit umgeht. Als sie Ingo auffordert, sich seiner Vergangenheit zu stellen, wehrt dieser sich mit Händen und Füßen. Jenny findet Maximilian Knopf in der Dusche und ein schrecklicher Verdacht ist geweckt: Hat sich Maximilian hier mit einer anderen vergnügt? Schließlich markiert sie deutlich ihr Terrain...
- 397 - The year 397 after the battle of Pondaron. Read on: Year before: 396 - Year after: 398 - Myra - History
- 397 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Koła na Metro Stare Bielany. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa.
- Jeremiah Collins, unable to rest since being summoned by Angelique Bouchard, intends to exact his revenge upon the witch. He carries the unconscious bride to the cemetery and places her inside his open grave. She wakes as Jeremiah starts to bury her alive. Angelique screams. The wedding proceeds, and Barnabas and Angelique are married at last. Ben leaves to bring champagne, while Reverend Bland makes his farewells. Ben returns with the champagne, but when Barnabas starts to pour Angelique's glass they are horrified to discover it is blood. Jeremiah's laughter fills the room.
| - El trescientos noventa y siete (397) es el número natural que sigue al 396 y precede al 398. Categoría:Números
- Marian wird Zeuge eines dramatischen Überlebenskampfes. Zwar stirbt Nadja nicht, aber ihr gemeinsames Baby ist tot. Marian ist in tiefer Trauer und weiß nicht, wie er Nadja das Unvorstellbare übermitteln kann. Ingo gesteht Annette, dass er Vater eines Kindes ist. Annette ist überfordert und erschrocken, über die Sachlichkeit, mit der Ingo damit umgeht. Als sie Ingo auffordert, sich seiner Vergangenheit zu stellen, wehrt dieser sich mit Händen und Füßen. Jenny findet Maximilian Knopf in der Dusche und ein schrecklicher Verdacht ist geweckt: Hat sich Maximilian hier mit einer anderen vergnügt? Schließlich markiert sie deutlich ihr Terrain...
- 397 - The year 397 after the battle of Pondaron. Read on: Year before: 396 - Year after: 398 - Myra - History
- 397 – linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Koła na Metro Stare Bielany. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa.
- Jeremiah Collins, unable to rest since being summoned by Angelique Bouchard, intends to exact his revenge upon the witch. He carries the unconscious bride to the cemetery and places her inside his open grave. She wakes as Jeremiah starts to bury her alive. Angelique screams. At the Old House, Barnabas Collins, Ben Stokes and Reverend Bland await Angelique's arrival. Bland is taken aback to learn that no members of the Collins family will be attending the wedding. Barnabas, uncomfortable with the subject, goes upstairs to see what is keeping Angelique so long. Alone with Ben, the reverend tries to ascertain why the family does not approve of the marriage. Ben suddenly hears Angelique calling to him. His sees a vision of Jeremiah kneeling beside his grave, which has now been covered over. Compelled to help her, Ben rushes out of the house to Angelique's aid. An upset Barnabas returns, having found Angelique gone. At that moment, Naomi Collins arrives and she quickly surmises Jeremiah is responsible for Angelique's disappearance. Meanwhile, Angelique has managed to claw her way out of the grave and Ben finds her there sobbing. Terrified from her ordeal, Angelique explains how she summoned Jeremiah and now his ghost remains to torment her. Ben laughs, pleased to see the witch receiving her comeuppance for once. But then Angelique reminds him that because he is her servant, then Jeremiah will target him too. She confesses to no longer having any power over Jeremiah's ghost. Ben urges leaving the cemetery post-haste; Angelique promises that the experience has changed her, and she vows to never bring unhappiness to anyone again. Just then Jeremiah's mocking laughter rings out. Angelique and Ben turn to see his ghost advancing toward them. Witch and servant flee, with Jeremiah calling out that Angelique can never escape him. Later, Angelique and Ben have returned to the Old House. Naomi comforts Angelique, offering her both a new dress and a pendant which once belonged to her mother. Angelique, genuinely touched, cries from happiness and promises to never forget Naomi's kindness. Downstairs, Reverend Bland speaks with Barnabas about Joshua Collins' absence when a strange force topples over furniture in the parlor, extinguishes the candles, and rattles the chandelier. Bland is eager to leave, but Barnabas orders him to stay and conduct the wedding ceremony. The wedding proceeds, and Barnabas and Angelique are married at last. Ben leaves to bring champagne, while Reverend Bland makes his farewells. Ben returns with the champagne, but when Barnabas starts to pour Angelique's glass they are horrified to discover it is blood. Jeremiah's laughter fills the room. Angelique has retired upstairs, and Ben prepares to escort Naomi back to Collinwood. Naomi tells Barnabas she cannot understand why such terrible things keep happening to them, but feels as if they are being punished for something. Upstairs, Angelique frets over the night's harrowing events. She hears a music box playing and searches the bedroom, finding a gift package on the dresser. She opens it and discovers Josette's music box. Barnabas, having said goodnight to his mother, enters and is furious to find Angelique with the music box. Angelique determines it belongs to Josette Collins, and she accuses Barnabas of still loving his ex-fiancée. Barnabas storms out of the room; Angelique moves to follow him but Jeremiah appears before her. Angelique calls upon the Devil and uses all of her dark powers in an attempt to banish Jeremiah's ghost. This has no effect on Jeremiah, who tells Angelique that she will not be at peace until he regains his eternal rest. He disappears, leaving the witch shaken.