| - The secret had been quite simple: it was enveloped in reason, a mystical type of supernatural energy that caused the break down of reiryoku on a subatomic level, making it completely useless. Upon their brilliant discovery, the Royal Guard immediately contacted the Soul King, having brought great news to the deity's ears. After this revelation, the king began to experiment with the energy, hoping that he could apply it to his children and make them superior to all other beings. However, these experiments had been unsuccessful - all twenty-thousand of them. Realizing that utilizing reason was a fool's dream, the project was dropped and the Soul King forbid the talk of reason, for fear that other shinigami would attempt to harness the mysterious energy.
| - The secret had been quite simple: it was enveloped in reason, a mystical type of supernatural energy that caused the break down of reiryoku on a subatomic level, making it completely useless. Upon their brilliant discovery, the Royal Guard immediately contacted the Soul King, having brought great news to the deity's ears. After this revelation, the king began to experiment with the energy, hoping that he could apply it to his children and make them superior to all other beings. However, these experiments had been unsuccessful - all twenty-thousand of them. Realizing that utilizing reason was a fool's dream, the project was dropped and the Soul King forbid the talk of reason, for fear that other shinigami would attempt to harness the mysterious energy. Despite the banning of reason, the guardsmen, without the knowledge of their king, continued on in secrecy, believing that where there's a will, there's a way. Even with this will, the end result was always the same - failure. Deciding that it was futile to continue any longer, the willful Royal Guard gave up, officially closing the project.