| - The Hanger of the Edean's Ferry has been a bustle of activity for the last few hours. Ships dock and depart, staying long enough to deposit their cargo before they return for another load. Containers measuring 6 meters a side and 3 high have rapidly begun to fill the cargo area. Even with their repulser bases, it takes four Trandoshans to move these crates down the shuttle ramps. At any given time there are 3 or 4 of these shuttles crowding in to deposit their goods. A lone protocol droid, flanked by two military counterparts receives and inspects each container before adding it to the manifest. Once approaved, large warehouse loading droids, standing 10 meters tall, extend massive clamps and haul each container with ease. Maneuvering like giant crabs on four massive, reticulated legs, the
| - The Hanger of the Edean's Ferry has been a bustle of activity for the last few hours. Ships dock and depart, staying long enough to deposit their cargo before they return for another load. Containers measuring 6 meters a side and 3 high have rapidly begun to fill the cargo area. Even with their repulser bases, it takes four Trandoshans to move these crates down the shuttle ramps. At any given time there are 3 or 4 of these shuttles crowding in to deposit their goods. A lone protocol droid, flanked by two military counterparts receives and inspects each container before adding it to the manifest. Once approaved, large warehouse loading droids, standing 10 meters tall, extend massive clamps and haul each container with ease. Maneuvering like giant crabs on four massive, reticulated legs, the loaders deftly work their way across the deck. Each crate is stacked neatly in the space 3 high. A walkway is left between them for easy navigation, and monitoring. Terminals blink in newly formed corridors displaying vital information about the contents of each package. Above them all stand a network of gantries, patrolled at regular intervals by M-3PO droids armed with heavy rifles, riot guns, and grenade launchers. Releived of their cargo, the shuttles make way for more to take their place and the cycle begins anew. The shuttle Steady Claw comes in for it's final run, transmitting docking codes to the control officer on board the Edean's Ferry, and pulling up alongside of the vessel to await the pre-scan. Once given docking clearance, her starboard thrusters begin firing to engage the final positioning and docking clamps take hold. A brief shot of gas exits to space as the seal is created and finally the airlock doors open up to the cargo area. A simple 3PO droid marches forward with a datapad in hand for the deck officer as loading droids aboard the shuttle begin to gather up and reposition the containers on board. The white protocol droid finishes inspecting the previous shipment, adds it to the Ferry's manifest and summons one of the large droids to move it into position. Once finished he marches dutifully toward the Steady Claw with military droids in tow. "How highly irregular." Addressing the shuttles 3PO, his mechanical voice is an electronic baratone. Clearly programmed more for authority than ettiquette. He receives the datapad and scans it quickly, then looks up sharply. "Yours is the only shuttle manned by droids. Explain." "The pilot, co-pilot, and security team are all comprised of sentients. Standard loading droids are used for lifting the containers. This vessel has a greater cargo capacity and the droids were already present from their last shipment." All stated matter of factly as he extends an arm with the datapad. "Two containers ready for inspection and loading." Behind him, two much smaller loading droids pull out a container each as two Trandoshans stand guard behind them. "Your answer is satisfactory. Have the containers placed on the deck. All crew members must report for identification as well." The white droid orders. The two M-3PO units brandish large repeating blaster rifles as they take up flanking positions around the inspection area on the deck. "As you wish." His task completed, the droid begins to walk back to the ship as the loading droids wheel themselves and the containers forward. Behind them, four Trandoshans walk along, their ID cards being collected by the pilot for inspection. He hands them out to the white droid, staring at him and obviously annoyed at having to get out of the ship for this extra task. The robot inspector makes his way down the line of crew members. His optic sensors scan each sentient and compare them to the IDs badges. "Your Identification checks out. Please remain still while the cargo is inspected." The Military units keep their rifles trained on the crew as the inspection continues. The white protocol droid heads to the monitor panels of each container and surveys the data. He punches data into the pad he carries and summons one of the giant loading droids. The pincer-like clamps wrap around a container and it is lofted high above the group. "Everything is in order. Thank you for your cooperation. Please proceed..." He is interrupted by a series of alarming beeps, bellows and hums from the loader. The M-3PO units steady their rifles at the crew. "There is a discrepancy." states the deck officer droid. "You're container is several tons too light. Explain Immediately." The 3PO unit stops in his place and pivots to turn and speak to his counterpart. "Please look deeper at the details on that particular container. It is comprised of children and teenage product, designated for work in tighter confines. This group was kept separate in order to help subjugate some unruly ones down during repackaging." Meanwhile, the other Trandoshans are still visibly alarmed by what is transpiring, each one tensing up a bit and looking between the white droid and the M-3PO units. The droid inspector remains still a long moment, as it processes this new information, recalculates appropriate weights, and compares against the reported figure to determine wether it falls within expectable limits. The armed droids continue, poised to fire in case this answer doesn't check out. "Explanation acceptable." He signals the loading unit to proceed and turns back to the shuttle crew, his voice suddenly too cordial and polite. "Thank you for your cooperation. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please proceed re-embarkation and undocking protocols. We thank you for your business." The 3PO unit processes the situation and then offers a short bow to his counterpart, signalling the end of the proceedings. "It was most enjoyable to do business with you and I do hope for further business ventures in the future." The crew looks to their own droid and snarl at him, now more than happy to recall themselves into the vessel. Her airlock closes, docking clamps retract, and with a few bursts of her maneuvering thrusters is away and clear. A quick exchange is made with the tower and it begins heading back towards Trandosha. The protocol droid moves on to the next shipment and begins it's process again. The Loading droid crab-walks along the deck with the first container until it reaches it's destination. With a his of hydraulics the arms, less than gently ,deposit the container on the top of a stack 6 meters high. Returning to the deck it grabs the second container and hauls it into position on a stack next to the first. The process is not delicate, and any cargo would be pretty shook up along the way.