* Volga Effect: After having pirated a copy of Hope Summer's affliction who in turn had copied the fatal chemical augment from her stricken father, Fantomex managed to fabricate a digitized version of what ails them both. Rewriting it to enabling him use of it's empowering effects without self-destructing but also bestowing and developing whole new powers on the fly onto himself whenever he pleases.
** Techno-Organic Wings: Fabricated a pair of jet black aerial extremities resembling those of a former comrade after having re-purposed the Surrogate Phy/Psi. Nervous System as Doctor Nemesis calls it, beyond being able to use them as razor blades due to near monomolecular sharpness coupled with the discharging of razor flechettes.
*** Flight:
*** Enhanced Speed: Having been ported into the sun itself and making it back to earth within mere moments showcasing he has escape velocity to virtual light speed motion.
** Accelerating Regeneration: Fantomex's healing factor had been greatly augmented under the Volga Effect, being able to revive himself from a bullet to the head in mere moments. Even getting sliced to ribbons by a frenzied marrow and then blown apart in a massive explosion wasn't enough as his scattered bits culminated in order to rebuild himself once again.
** Energy Manipulation: First manifesting this capability shortly after getting shot behind his skull, he lashes out with countless energized tendrils similar to Volga when he first appears before X-Force. After time and practice he shows to control and discharge various other energies in the form of fire balls or plasma.
*** Energy Blasts: can discharge potent quantities of red energy from various points of his body at will.
*** Force Fields:
*** Psychic Force Manipulation: can use the energies at his disposal under the Volga Effect to simulate telekinetic and telepathic feats, such as creating painful mind screams to disorientate or compress and crush a living being into nothing.
** Size Shifting:
** Enhanced Strength:
** Enhanced Durability:: His toughness had been augmented greatly after he upgraded tanking a bomb blast to the face and shrug it off with ease, withstanding assaults from multiple X-Force-espionage and other such superpowered assailants with ease, even being teleported into the surface of the sun so much as only slightly singed him as did re-entry into earths atmosphere.