| - The Tumerok are a race of warlike humanoid lizard folk, related to Drudges, Banderlings and Mosswarts. Though they aren't the largest of their kin, standing six feet tall on average, they are by far the most dangerous, as they are the only ones to have developed near human intelligence. They fight with weapons, including bows and crossbows, and many can use sorcery. Their priestly caste is particulary adept at weilding magic. Their overlords are a match for the greatest human warriors.
| - The Tumerok are a race of warlike humanoid lizard folk, related to Drudges, Banderlings and Mosswarts. Though they aren't the largest of their kin, standing six feet tall on average, they are by far the most dangerous, as they are the only ones to have developed near human intelligence. They fight with weapons, including bows and crossbows, and many can use sorcery. Their priestly caste is particulary adept at weilding magic. Their overlords are a match for the greatest human warriors. Though they were largely known as war-like raiders, sacking human towns across the land, this is not the true nature of the Tumerok. In truth the Tumerok are good-natured and once enjoyed a peaceful and artistic existence, and the Aun Tumerok have aspired to return to those ways. The Aun Tumerok who have joined with the Isparians have forsaken the Hea Tumerok and the Virindi influence that has set the Hea against the Isparians. Although the name Tumerok is actually a name outsiders have given to the Tumerok, the Aun Tumerok have learned to accept that name.