| - Moorshavin glanced at all of the large ISD-5s sitting in the large military station. He smiled for a few moments. "That's what I call a dream fleet." He said, as he glanced back to the bridge of the Mortis Avenger, his own flagship. "Sir, the fleet announces that it's ready for launch." An officer announced. "Good. Launch the fleet, and set course for our neighboring galaxy." "Very good, My Lord. Right away." The deck beneath Moorshavin's feet, gave a sudden, violent lurch, as the ship lifted off, and headed for the sky. - - - - - -Gilatter VIII, Resort orbiting said planet
| - Moorshavin glanced at all of the large ISD-5s sitting in the large military station. He smiled for a few moments. "That's what I call a dream fleet." He said, as he glanced back to the bridge of the Mortis Avenger, his own flagship. "Sir, the fleet announces that it's ready for launch." An officer announced. "Good. Launch the fleet, and set course for our neighboring galaxy." "Very good, My Lord. Right away." The deck beneath Moorshavin's feet, gave a sudden, violent lurch, as the ship lifted off, and headed for the sky. - - - - - -Gilatter VIII, Resort orbiting said planet Tarakus plugged the datacard into his datapad, and took a look at the data. He motioned for Piastall to come over, with his claw. "Take a look at that." Tarakus said, pointing to a map of the galaxy, laid out before them. Several dots in blue, outlined systems that had significant importance to the uprising of Caedus. "Ah, I should've seen this, several months ago, when I last saw her." He muttered to himself. Piastall gave Tarakus a funny look. Tarakus met Piastall's gaze with his own. "What?! I was here with my fleet, several months ago, when all this was just getting started. She flat out told me to get lost. This is what happens, when your wife tells ya to get lost, Piastall. This is what happens." "Not gonna say I told you so, even though I did." "Ahh. . .shut up Piastall. Sometimes, you're no help." "Hey, what do you expect when you train a spy to become an Ekatra?" Tarakus nodded his head from side to side, saying, "You have a point there. Look how well that one worked out. You were much better than Cyvelon, that's for sure." Piastall shook his head. "Great, now you're comparing me to Cyvelon Deathdragon? How do I rate?" "A lot higher than him, that's for sure!" After the last remark, there was several minutes of silence, as Tarakus continued to look at the map. Mirandall came in, and sat near Tarakus. "Have we tried looking in Lorrd yet?" Tarakus looked up at Mirandall, who had crossed his legs, and given him a very serious look. "No, why?" "It might be possible that she left someting there for us to find." "This kid's smart, Piastall. I say ya keep him around for a while." Tarakus said, looking at Piastall, with a silly smile on his face. "Ya know what? I think I will. Good Idea, Tarakus. That's a very good idea. Good thinking, Mirandall." Mirandall simply lifted his arms up, and shrugged.