Guar are reptilian creatures native to the provinces of Morrowind and Black Marsh in The Elder Scrolls Online. The domesticated variant is the Pack Guar. There are currently two subspecies: Bantam and Pony Guar.
Guare sind zweibeinige Kreaturen in The Elder Scrolls Online, die man sowohl in der Wildnis als auch in Siedlungen als domestizierte Herdentiere, Transportmittel oder Haustiere antreffen kann. Besondere Arten sind:
* Bantamguare
* Karawanen-Guare
* Zwergguare
Guar are reptilian creatures native to the provinces of Morrowind and Black Marsh in The Elder Scrolls Online. The domesticated variant is the Pack Guar. There are currently two subspecies: Bantam and Pony Guar.
Guare sind zweibeinige Kreaturen in The Elder Scrolls Online, die man sowohl in der Wildnis als auch in Siedlungen als domestizierte Herdentiere, Transportmittel oder Haustiere antreffen kann. Besondere Arten sind:
* Bantamguare
* Karawanen-Guare
* Zwergguare
Guar are reptilian creatures native to the provinces of Morrowind and Black Marsh in The Elder Scrolls Online. The domesticated variant is the Pack Guar. There are currently two subspecies: Bantam and Pony Guar.