| - File:Mg.png is hiding in the shadows. File:Black Yoshi.jpg and File:EnemyHead.png walk up, not noticing him. File:Black Yoshi.jpg: So. . .where do we look? File:EnemyHead.png: Why did I get stuck with you? File:Black Yoshi.jpg: You said "Ok, Fan, you go with Frog over there. Me and Broshi will look over here." File:EnemyHead.png: And I regret it. File:Mg.png crawls over to a walkie-talkie. File:Mg.png: Ok, Red Guy, they're in sight. They're about to enter the plane. Get them. File:Shyguy.jpg: Got it, boss. File:Shyguy.jpg: Stop right there, or face the wrath of I, RED GUY! Blue Guy: I'm Blue Guy!
| - File:Mg.png is hiding in the shadows. File:Black Yoshi.jpg and File:EnemyHead.png walk up, not noticing him. File:Black Yoshi.jpg: So. . .where do we look? File:EnemyHead.png: Why did I get stuck with you? File:Black Yoshi.jpg: You said "Ok, Fan, you go with Frog over there. Me and Broshi will look over here." File:EnemyHead.png: And I regret it. File:Mg.png crawls over to a walkie-talkie. File:Mg.png: Ok, Red Guy, they're in sight. They're about to enter the plane. Get them. File:Shyguy.jpg: Got it, boss. File:EnemyHead.png and File:Black Yoshi.jpg walk onto the plane. File:Shyguy.jpg jumps in front of them. File:Shyguy.jpg: Stop right there, or face the wrath of I, RED GUY! File:EnemyHead.png: . . .Who? File:Shyguy.jpg: It is I, Red Guy! File:Black Yoshi.jpg: . . .Who's Red Guy? File:Shyguy.jpg: . . .Never mind. Just stop moving or face my gun! File:Shyguy.jpg pulls out a water gun. File:Black Yoshi.jpg and File:EnemyHead.png freeze. File:EnemyHead.png: Meh, why not? File:EnemyHead.png shoots a laser at File:Shyguy.jpg. File:Shyguy.jpg's hat splits in half and he runs off. File:Mg.png: Wha?! How did he. . .? Oh right. That's The Enemy, he has those abilities. File:Mg.png crawls onto the plane, unnoticed by File:EnemyHead.png and File:Black Yoshi.jpg. File:Mg.png: I AM YOUR ENEMY! PREPARE TO DIE! File:Mg.png creates more Shy Guys like Red Guy, but colored Blue, Green and Yellow. Blue Guy: I'm Blue Guy! Green Guy: Green Guy! Yellow Guy: Yellow Guy! All 3: Now die! File:EnemyHead.png: Don't worry, my Yoshi friend. He makes a laser shield around them. The Guys die trying to get past. File:Black Yoshi.jpg: Well, now we know he's nearby. File:Mg.png crawls away to find File:FanHead.png and File:Frog.png.