Attributes | Values |
| - Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut
| |
| - *Bantha
*Corris weevil
*Cyborrean battlemount
*Galdrian mustang
| |
| - *Jason Fry
*Erich Schoeneweiss
| - *4A8-RA-7
*Gial Ackbar
*Thunys Albegron
*Padmé Amidala
*Henrietya Antilles
*Kossak Inijic Ar'durv
*Darth Bane
*Hinch Beltane
*Insmot Bowen
*Bey's father
*Mesh Burzon
*"Chaser" Cartha
*Natasi Daala
*Myrette Davani
*Myrette Davani's parent
*Sander Delvardus
*Doom of Ulmarah
*Reeze Duurmun
*Valenthyne Farfalla
*Soontir Fel
*Syal Antilles Fel
*Jango Fett
*Janus Greejatus
*Ull Haber
*Bleys Harand
*Blitzer Harrsk
*Tammia Hollusen
*Arn Horada
*Shea Hublin
*Krai H'voc
*Tobb Jadak
*Hu Jibwe
*Qui-Gon Jinn
*Skere Kaan
*Kyle Katarn
*Hali Ke
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Findal Kett
*Firmus Kett
*Kopa Khan
*Henia Kinalos
*Tanne Kinalos
*Ozrei N'takkilomandrife
*Jorn Kulish
*Arhul Kurumenga
*Par Lankin
*Cut Lawquane
*Shaeeah Lawquane
*Bevel Lemelisk
*Xamuel Lennox
*Lost Prophet
*Mad Clone of Kaikielius
*Arhul Manaxa
*Mandalore the Ultimate
*Plat Mallar
*Kob Mondray
*Conan Antonio Motti
*Nagratha's mother
*Novan Nune
*Olhak the Reaver
*Bail Prestor Organa
*Leia Organa
*Gilad Pellaeon
*Turr Phennir
*Utoxx Prentioch
*Ryloth Resa
*Anahul Sato
*Sedriss QL
*Eschul Shaywa
*Roan Shryne
*Fenn Shysa
*Kal Skirata
*S. V. Skynx
*Anakin Skywalker
*Luke Skywalker
*Han Solo
*Jacen Solo
*Gar Stazi
*Saens Sukko
*Ahalas Svindren
*Swart Swifto
*Orman Tagge
*Wat Tambor
*Thalassa Tarkin
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Uueg Tching
*Gettle Tebron
*Treuten Teradoc
*Cindel Towani
*Unidentified Jilruan pirate
*Unidentified Republic soldier (Falang Minor)
*Unidentified Tamarin sector senator
*Unidentified Tamarin sector senator's wife
*Beilert Valance
*Makkor von Urron
*Pars Varqom
*Pa Vau
*Walon Vau
*Maximilian Veers
*Asajj Ventress
*Ars Veruna
*Darth Vua
*Darth Vua's betrothed
*Thull Wulain
*Z-X3 experimental droid trooper
*Kiekal Zzoh
| |
| - *Armor
*Bacta tank
*Baragwin sense lattice
**Blaster pistol
***DH-17 blaster pistol
**DLT-20A blaster rifle
**Pulse-wave blaster
*Blast shield
*Breath mask
*Burrowing plasma charge
*Centerpoint Station
*Comm unit
*Cosmic Turbine
**Myoelectric hip replacement
*Deflector shield generator
*Disruptor field
*Energy shield
**BT X-42 flamethrower
*Force pike
*Fuel slug
**True Tales of the Ancient Republic
***Episode XXIV: Death on the Rim
*Hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy
*Hyperspace cannon
*Ion cannon
*Parade saber
*Para-wing glider
*Plasma cannon
*Pressure bomb
*Pulse cannon
*Repulsor technology
*Sif-Alulan process
*Spaarti cloning cylinder
*Solar pike
*Subspace vox
*Thought bomb
*Tumble hyperdrive
| - *Airam Sector Championships
*Zhell–Taung War
*Vultar Cataclysm
*Tionese War
*Hutt–Xim conflict
**First Battle of Vontor
**Second Battle of Vontor
*Duinuogwuin Contention
*Kymoodon Era
**Assault on Drogheda
**Assault on Hathrox
**Assault on Imram
**Assault on Lexrul
**Assault on Parcovey Minor
**Clan battle on Lexrul
**Parlay-feast on Affavan
*Pius Dea Crusades
**Battle of Ord Carida
*Second Herglic Feud
*Waymancy Storm
**Battle of Upper Brightday
**Defense of Barenth
**Massacre at Sooncanoo Beacon
**Rout at Tantara
**Battle of Immalia
**Battle of Mittoblade
**Second Battle of Brightday
**Battle of Paig
*Gank Massacres
*Quesaya Border Conflict
*Great Droid Revolution
*Kanz Disorders
*Bengali Uprising
*Battle of Ambria
*Ruusan campaign
*Ruusan Reformation
*Pact of Almera
*Battle of Sintheti
*Siege of Ramsir
*Bordal Contagion
*Ostega civil war
*Invasion of Sucharme
*Invasion of Naboo
*Airam Sector Championships (31 BBY)
*Galactic League Finals (26 BBY)
*Raxus Address
*Clone Wars
**First Battle of Geonosis
**Battle of Christophsis
**Capture of Ongary IX
**Conclave of Chanosant
**Battle of Murkhana
**Kaikielius campaign
**Battle of Balmorra
**Battle of Kashyyyk
*Great Jedi Purge
**Operation: Knightfall
**Order 66
*Reconquest of the Rim
*Mission on the Pendrake’s Horizons
*Outer Rim reconciliation efforts
*Mhalanduin Reformation
*Galactic Civil War
**Battle of Brentaal IV
**Second Battle of Ord Biniir
**Battle of Oovri II
**Battle of Yavin
**Mission to Metalorn
**Battle of Hoth
**Battle of Derra IV
**Kligson's Moon civil war
**Second Battle of Coruscant
**Battle of Balmorra
*Conference on Popular Entertainment
*Nagai–Tof War
**Battle of Saijo
*Yuuzhan Vong War
*Second Battle of Balmorra
Release Date
| |
| - Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut
| - Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 6: Showdown at Naboo
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 7: The Grand Army of the Republic
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut — The Celestials
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 5: Zenith of the Republic
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 9: Battlefields of the Clone Wars
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 3 — "Xim the Despot"
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 4 — The Rise of the Republic
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 8: Tales of the Clone Wars
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 2 — Ancient Coruscant
media type
| |
| - *Jason Fry
*Paul R. Urquhart
| - *Antidote
**Bordal Contagion antidote
*Belascoan Archive Report
*Charsby pitcher
*Corellian Bloodstripe
*The Despotica
*The Despotica Reader
*Dha Werda Verda
*Ebla beer
*Factor H
*The Force
**Battle meditation
*From Farm-Wife to Warrior
*The Gleam of Kiirium
*Horned Throne
*"I, Corellian: Ruusan and Reformation"
*Imperial Center Today
*Light the Sky on Fire
*Malkite themfar
*My Stepfather's Face: A Soldier's Secret
*Notron Cant
*Nova crystal
*Ophidian grotesques
*Orbital bombardment
*Raxan seaweed
*Red clay
*Royal Archives of Naboo, Volume 2,453
*Science fiction
*Sharlson family
*Sigus family
*Son of Suns
*Star cluster
*Star system
**Standard day
**Standard month
**Standard week
**40 ABY
**32 ABY
**21 ABY
**11 ABY
**6 ABY
**5 ABY
**0 ABY
**15 BBY
**17 BBY
**19 BBY
**21 BBY
**23 BBY
**26 BBY
**27 BBY
**31 BBY
**214 BBY
**244 BBY
**402 BBY
**593 BBY
**899 BBY
**1000 BBY
**1154 BBY
**4007 BBY
**4015 BBY
**4775 BBY
**4800 BBY
**7786 BBY
**7811 BBY
**9757 BBY
**11,000 BBY
**23,900 BBY
*Travels Amid Strange Stars
*The Year of Rage: A Citizen’s History of the Coruscant Wars
| - *Acclamator-class assault ship
*Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter
*All Terrain Armored Transport
*All Terrain Attack Pod
*All Terrain Tactical Enforcer
*BTL Y-wing starfighter
*Captor-class heavy munitions cruiser
*Crawler mech
*HAVw A6 Juggernaut
*Low Altitude Assault Transport
*Medlifter transport
*MedStar-class frigate
*Multi-Troop Transport
*Munificent-class star frigate
*Munifex-class light cruiser
*Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter
*Pelta-class frigate
*Queen of Ranroon
**Pendrake’s Horizons
*Space station
**Kligson's Moon
**Medical speeder
*Star Destroyer
**Imperial I-class Star destroyer
**Super Star Destroyer
**Venator-class Star Destroyer
*TIE/LN starfighter
**TIE/LN starfighter
*YT-1300 light freighter
**Stellar Envoy
*Z-95 Headhunter
| - *Arkanian
*Yuuzhan Vong
| - news/the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut-part-6-showdown-at-naboo/
- news/the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut-part-7-the-grand-army-of-the-republic/
- news/the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut-part-5-zenith-of-the-republic/
- news/the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut-part-9-battlfields-of-the-clone-wars/
- news/the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut-part-3-xim-the-despot/
- news/star-wars-the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut/
- news/star-wars-the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut-the-celestials/
- news/the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut-part-4-the-rise-of-the-republic-needs-author-entry/
- news/star-wars-the-essential-guide-to-warfare-authors-cut-part-2-ancient-coruscant/
| - *Alliance to Restore the Republic
*Arakyd Industries
*Battalions of Zhell
*Belasco Free Volunteers
*Brotherhood of Darkness
*Camblian Order
*Commenor Diamonds
*Confederacy of Independent Systems
**Corporate Alliance
***Ochotl Ag's corporate team
**InterGalactic Banking Clan
**Techno Union
*Corellian Defence Force
**Count of Gesl
*Cybot Galactica
*Czerka Arms
*Echani Command
*Eriadu Patriots
*Far Sun Ventures
*Galactic Alliance
**Chief of State
**Fourth Fleet
*Galactic Empire
**Emperor's Royal Guard
**Emperor's Shadow Guard
**Galactic Emperor
**Grand Moff
**Imperial Center Guard
**Imperial Military
***Imperial Army
****Stormtrooper Corps
***Imperial Navy
****Death Squadron
****Starfighter Corps
*****181st Imperial Fighter Wing
******Aurek Flight
*******Technical Lieutenant
*****Black Squadron
*****Flight school
*****TIE pilot
****Technical Services Officer
***Imperial Department of Military Research
****Master of Imperial Projects
**Imperial Mobile Surgical Unit
**New Order
***Committee for the Preservation of the New Order
****Seswenna chapter
****Sub-Adult Group
**Dark Empire
*Galactic League
*Galactic Republic
**Galactic Senate
***Supreme Chancellor
**Grand Army of the Republic
***Clone trooper
****Advanced Recon Commando
*****Null-class Advanced Recon Commando
****Clone commando
****Clone jet trooper
****Clone scout trooper
***7th Aleena Reconnaissance Regiment
***22nd Air Combat Wing
****Ion Team
***501st Legion
***Third Systems Army
****41st Elite Corps
**Judicial Forces
**Republic Intelligence
**Republic Military
***Republic Army
****Rocket-Jumper Elite Advance Unit
*****Chief Sergeant
***Republic Guardsman
***Republic Navy
****Fortieth Flotilla
**Republic Mobile Surgical Unit
**Republic Outland Regions Security Force
**Supreme Chancellor
*Gree Enclave
*Grohl Liberation Front
*Grohl Sector Defense Force
*Hajara gang
**CIS Shadowfeed
**Imperial Irmenu Navy
*Infinite Empire
*Ividal Sector Forces
**Foxfire Squadron
*Karazak Slavers Cooperative
*Kuat Artisans
*Kuat Drive Yards
*Jedi Order
**Grand Master
**Jedi Knight
**Jedi Lord
**Jedi Master
**Jedi Watchman
**Cuy'val Dar
*Ma'ar Shaddam Weaponsmiths Guild
*Medtech Industries
*Mistryl Shadow Guard
*Naboo Resistance
*Nerf herder
*New Republic
**Alpha Red
*Obroan Institute for Archaeology
*One Sith
*Acolytes of Dread Rur
*Peace Brigade
*Pearl Hat
*Planetary Security Forces
*Royal Naboo Security Forces
*Salmagodro Grand Academy
*Separatist holdouts
*Shad Furies
*Sienar Fleet Systems
*Sisters of the Machinesmith
*Squill Sifters
*Sun Guard
**Stellar Legionnaire
**Stellar Tribune
**Twisuns Legate
**Twisuns Praetor
**Thychani Commander
**Thychani Dictator
**Supreme Sun Guardian
*Sucharmese resistance
*Tagge Company
*Thalassian slavers
*Trade Federation
**Cotellieri Transports Limited
**Kett Shipping
**Rseikharhl Hullspace
**Trade Defense Force
*Tarshan Ring Excavations
*University of Byblos
*University of Rudrig
*University of Ruuria
*Waymancy Hollow
**Signatories of Waymancy
*Wives of Tingrippa
*Xim's empire
**Duinarbulon Star Lancers
**Kingdom of Cron
| - *2-1B
*B1 battle droid
*B2 super battle droid
*Bettie-Bot VJ
*DD-13 medical assistant droid
*FX-series medical assistant droid
*Guardian Corps
*Human replica droid
*Imperial warbot
*Juggernaut war droid
*MD-series medical specialist droid
*Nanny droid
*SD-6 Hulk infantry droid
*SD-9-series battle droid
*SD-10 battle droid
*Shadow Droid
*Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I
*Viper Automadon
*Z-X3 experimental droid trooper
| - *Known Universe
*The galaxy
*Aur system
**Aur Diamonds
***Aur IX
***Aur X
*Corellian Run
*Core Worlds
***Aldera Royal Palace
**Brentaal IV
***Palace of Memnii
**Corellian system
****Coronet City
*****Blue Sector
*****Coronet hospital
*****Treasure Ship Row
***Jedi Temple
****Jedi Archives
***Lyceum playground
***Monument Plaza
***Unidentified residential building
**Ianane system
***Ianane III
****Ianane Ring
****Soruus gladiatorial arena
**Vultar system
***Vultar Nebula
*Cortilium Major
*Deep Core
**Diatia Major
***Diatian Clockwork
**Tsoss Beacon
*Du Mai
*Expansion Region
***Kymoodon-era government archive
***Ciratu Spheres
**Derra IV
**Upper Brightday
*Fair Hollis system
*Fujari asteroid base
*Hutt Space
*Inner Rim
***Lake Natth
***Penegelen Shards
**Sooncanoo Beacon
*Little Atullus
*Little Minos Run
*Lubang Minor
*Mid Rim
**Bomis Koori IV
**Chommell sector
****Kulma Narrows
****Penladen Hills
*****Penladen detention camp
****Royal Archives of Naboo
****Solleu River
**Glom Tho
**Hathrox III
**Hosk Station
**Ividal sector
***Baobab Archives
**Maerdocian sector
***Tarshan system
**Meedis Minor
**Mytaranor sector
****Wartaki Sea
*****Wawaatt Archipelago
**Yushan sector
**Clowse Glowstack
*Okator VIII
**Derway Township
**Duny Gap
**Pinson ridge
**Shillagh Hollow
*Ongary IX
*Oovri II
*Outer Rim Territories
**Airam sector
***The Pangarees
***Unidentified Botajef orphanage
**Crombach Nebula
****Irmenu imperial palace
**Falang Minor
***Im'g'twe Hills
**Grohl sector
****Ostega Orbital Yards
***Echo Base
**Kathol Outback
***Caulus Tertius
**Kwymar sector
****Pyrand outpost
****Pyrand River
****Selpathian Hills
***Telos IV
****Anglebay Station
*****Bay 27
**Ochotl Ag
**Ord Biniir
**Prefsbelt IV
***Prefsbelt IV Naval Academy
**Rseik sector
***Corva Yag
***Ma'ar Shaddam
**Sanrafsix Corridor
**Sluis Van
**Tamarin sector
***Dravian Station
****Trade Defense Force marine post
***Kirdo III
***Sevarcos II
****Kett family retreat
**Tion Cluster
****Sah Gosta
****Xer's first palace
****Shipyards of Barancar
****Dravione aeries
****Parade Grounds
****Great Duinarbulon Mausoleum
***Indrexu Spiral
***Tion Hegemony
*****Xim's complex of treasure vaults
*****Jigani Port
****Forbidden Gardens of Nuswatta
**Tunka sector
*Parcovey Minor
*Perlemian Trade Route
*Stalbringion hells
*Tertiary Fujar
*Tyne Albamon
**Trade Federation depot station
*Purala IV
*Rimma Trade Route
*Unknown Regions
**Tempered Wastes
*Wild Space
**Void of Aogros
**Western Reaches
*Nagai Space
*Zonama Sekot