| - In Duel Masters, a Zone is an area of game-play where cards are placed to distinguish it from cards in different areas. There are seven zones:
- Zones are alternate timelines and/or dimensions that coexist within the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. They are also refered to by many other terms, a few being things such as alternate worlds, alternate universes, or seperate timelines. These seperate worlds often have many things in common, but, given that they are alternate universes, there is always at least one difference between one zone and another zone, regardless of whether or not that difference is massive or minuscule.
- Certain sections of the Delta Flyer were also known as zones. (VOY: "Extreme Risk") On 21st century Earth, Sanctuary District A contained a red and a blue zone.(DS9: "Past Tense, Part I", "Past Tense, Part II")
- There are six Zones and many Sub-Zones Zones-
* Fire Zone
* Water Zone (Torongo Sea)
* Earth Zone
* Stone Zone
* Ice Zone
* Air Zone
- Zone is a displaced Nelthari native from a universe outside of Khazan. He is a member of The Twelve, a group of young, super-powered orphans and runaways. Created by Shadow's Forge in September of 2007.
- All the .zon files start with a section identifier and ends with the keyword "end", both in a single line. Example: zone ... end
- Po tym jak prezydent Deling zamordował jego ojca, kontynuuje działalność zmierzającą do wyzwolenia Timber spod władzy władzy Galbadii jako przywódca "Leśnych Sów". Ma jednak tendencję dostawać zawsze nagłych bólów żołądka przed akcją co uniemożliwia mu czynny udział. Jego sekretną pasją są także nieprzyzwoite pisemka. To właśnie jego grupa za pośrednictwem Rinoi wynajmuje SeeD do próby uprowadzenia prezydenckiego pociągu.
- Zone is the Mobian term for other dimensions and universes besides the Prime Zone. Travel between these worlds, while uncommon, have become possible through various means, such as the Genesis Portals. The term Zone can also refer to various areas on Sonic's World itself, such as the Green Hill Zone.
- The zone keyword on a power indicates that it creates a lingering effect over an area. This lingering effect, called a zone, generally fills the same area of effect as the power that created it.[PH:59]
- Zones are the basic building blocks into which the map of the Wheel of Time MUD is divided. Each zone consists of up to 100 rooms, which may connect to each other with North, South, East, West, Up, and Down exits, as well as connecting to other zones in a similar fashion.
- However despite its advantages, once created he is unable to move from the position, if he does move his sage mode will end destroying the sphere in the process. Another major drawback is that his body constantly draws in natural energy which he must balance with his chakra, which is then released into the sphere. If he is unable to balance the energy, it will exlpode outward, destroying the sphere and wounding him.
- Zones offer some control over developer types. There are 3 zones, 1 for each category of developer type. Each zone is divided into densities, which allows the player to control the number of occupants or jobs each building supports. Higher densities mean higher occupants or jobs per building built. However, zoning at higher densities is more expensive, and before any medium or high density buildings start developing, the player must have a population of at least 1,100 and 26,000 people, respectively. Note, however, that the density of the zone has nothing to do with the wealth of the development, except for low-density industrial, in which only farms develop.
- Zone: A term meaning to change from one area to another. This will be signified by the text "Changing areas" appearing in your chat dialogue.
- Zones are the square sections the map, and gameworld, is made up of. Each zone is divided into a grid of 441 squares (21 squares long and 21 squares across). One Minute of time passes within the game with each step a character takes from one of these squares into another (one step is equal to one square).
- Zone is one of four Special Abilities available in the Midnight Club series. Using this ability causes the game to run in slow motion for a few seconds to allow the player to more precisely execute a turn or other situation. It is similar in concept to "bullet time" or "dead-eye" mode from other games by Rockstar Games.
- A zone may be either an entire domain or a domain with one or more subdomains. A zone is a configurable entity within a name server under which information on all Internet resources pertaining to a domain and a selected set of subdomains is described. Thus, zones are administrative building blocks of the DNS name space just as domains are the structural building blocks. As a result, the term "zone" commonly is used even to refer to a domain that is managed as a standalone administrative entity (e.g., the root zone, the .com zone).
- Zone is the name of a series of consoles - all 16 or 32-bit and mostly Wii clones - marketed by Ultimate Products Ltd & manufactured by various companies. They are known for having multiple technology problems,like making the television screen twitch. In the US some of the Zone consoles were available at CVS stores, such as the Zone 40, 60, and Zone 3D. In the UK the Zone 40 is commonly found in discount stores but other models are mostly only seen on TV shopping channels.
- The zone (Greek: ζώνη) is the vestment with which a priest or bishop fastens the sticharion and the epitrachelion on his body in order to facilitate his movements and attest his readiness for service, as a man girds himself when he sets out on a journey or undertakes a task. So also the priest girds himself when he sets about his sacred ministry, and regarding his girdle as the strength of Divine Power he recites, "Blessed is God who girds me with strength, and has made my way blameless (Psalm 17(18):32); now and always and forever and ever. Amen."
- A zone was a level of territorial organization within the Corporate Sector Authority's Territory Administration, directly below the level of region. Each zone was controlled by a Zone Director, and there were typically fifty zones per region. A zone generally consisted of a few dozen star systems, and had a Security Division Sub-Precinct assigned to it.
- Zones are independent regions that exist between the different Umbrae and operate with completely unique physics and laws that set them apart from others. Some are visited on a nearly casual basis, other Zones are more difficult to reach, some can only be seen from the outside but not entered, while others seem to operate in completely random patterns in regard of accessibility. Some claim that Zones are the saplings of creation that will eventually blossom when our reality fades away in order to take the place of the Material.
- Zones zijn gebieden van de kaart met aangewezen thema's, mobs, en landschap. Deze gebieden hebben grenzen zoals een staat of land, en hoewel onzichtbaar, bepalen zij de gebieden. Ze kunnen ook subzones, steden, dorpen, of instances bevatten. Bijvoorbeeld, de zone van Dun Morogh bevat de subzone van Coldridge Valley, de stad Ironforge, het dorp Kharanos, en de instance Gnomeregan.
- Warhammer Onlineの世界はZoneで分けられている。サービス開始時点では合計33のzone、各Frontier(前線)に11のZoneが実装される予定である。Zoneは"level"と"tier"によってどのZoneと隣接するかが決められており、スタートエリアがTier1、最高エリア(capital cities)がTier4となっている。 Campaign項目を見れば各Zoneがどのように連結しているかが分かる。Zone間のTravel(交通)はFrontier内、又は同TierのZone間両方ともにシームレスになる様に工夫されている。ただし瞬間移動の分類に入る移動手段、及び各Frontier間の長距離の移動を行う場合はロード画面が発生する。 サービス開始時点で実装される全Zone: '保留'エリアはサービス開始時点では実装されないがサービス開始後に追加される。MMORPG.com Source
- Als Zonen werden die meisten Leveln im Sonic the Hedgehog-Universum genannt. Sie haben meist zwei bis drei Akte (Ausnahmen: Sonic Colors (Wii) & Sonic Lost World (Wii U) = 6 Akte, Sonic Colors (DS) &; Sonic Lost World (3DS) = 3 Akte) und einen Endboss (Ausnahme: Sonic 3/ Sonic & Knuckles= Akt 1= Sub-Boss, Akt 2= Endboss).
- A zone (Japanese: ゾーン Zōn) is any tile for a card(s) on a playmat. Each side features 16 zones, divided into 5 columns of 2 zones each with 2 end columns with 3 zones each. The top left zone is the Field Zone, where the player's Field Spell Cards are played. The bottom zone is the Extra Deck Zone (formerly: Fusion Deck Zone), where the player's Extra Deck is placed. The top right zone is the Graveyard Zone, where the player's Graveyard is placed. The bottom is the Deck Zone, where the player's Main Deck is placed.
- The zone is the basic unit of EverQuest's game world. Traveling from zone to zone requires the game client to pause and load the destination zone's files. The /shout and /ooc chat channels send messages to all players in the same zone as the speaker. Players can travel between zones, but mobs cannot. This makes zoning a useful disengagement tactic, which in turn makes fighting near a zone line advantageous when one is unsure of one's strength to compared to an opponent's.
- Zones are areas of the map with designated themes, mobs, and scenery. These areas have borders much like a state or country, and though invisible, they define areas. (WoWOSG 9) They may contain subzones, cities, towns, villages, or instances. For example, the zone of Dun Morogh contains the subzone of Coldridge Valley, the city Ironforge, the town Kharanos, and the instance Gnomeregan. For a graphical list, see Zones by level.
- Mobius divides up its land masses into areas called Zones. They have wildly divergent environments and sizes. Each Zone tends to be distinguished by its environment, dominated by one consistent landscape type, which is usually referenced in the Zone's name (e.g. "Dust Hill" is a stony wilderness; "Metropolis" is a city; "Chemical Plant" is an industrial region).
- The term was used in this context in Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic 3D Blast, and others. (Sonic the Hedgehog CD changed the terminology somewhat, using "Rounds" in place of Zones and using the word "Zone" to refer to what was usually called an Act. Sonic Lost World also used the word "Zone" to what was usually called an Act.)
- When starting a Zone event, the players are given to choose which team they wish to race for just as in any other event. Zone ships are maxed out in stats (All set to 10) and look alike. Once gameplay has started, the ship starts from Zone 0 and gradually speeds up. Picking up speed makes the ship move through the Zones and also through the Speed Classes.
- World of Warcraft consists of four continents currently, Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend, and Outland, which are sometimes divided into other sections which are also called continents, and further divided into smaller sections in-game known as zones.WoWOSG 212 In lore and the official web site, a zone is usually referred to as a "region". Furthermore, lore regions and in-game zones do not always match up (what may be a region in lore may be reduced to a subzone in-game, or some subregions may become their own zones). For a graphical list, see Zones by level.
- Krainy są obszarami mapy z określonym tematem, mobami, i scenerią. Te obszary mają granice tak jak województwo lub kraj , i chociaż są niewidzialne, to one definiują dany obszar. Mogą one zawierać podstrefy, miasta, miasteczka, wioski, oraz instancje. Na przykład, strefa Dun Morogh zawiera podstrefę Coldridge Valley, miasto Ironforge, miasteczko Kharanos, i instancje Gnomeregan. Dla listy graficznej, zobacz Strefy według poziomu (lvl-u).
- A zone (領域ゾーン zōn) is a gameplay area where cards are placed. Each side features 11 zones. During gameplay, cards may be moved between zones. File:Qm playmat.png The zones are: 1.
* The deck. Cards here are unusable, mostly inaccessible, and cannot be checked by players. Cards may be drawn from the top of the deck to the hand. 2.
* The hand. Member, tactics, and paradox cards may be played from here. 3.
* A circle. Subzone of the field. Gate cards are placed on these. 4.
* The field. Consists of all six circles. Member cards are mobilized here from the hand (or deck, with Trance), on top of the gates. 5.
* The level zone. Cards may be moved from the hand to here. Dictates the level of member cards you can mobilize, and the number of attacks you can declare each turn.
- Nozeone is a strange creature made entirely out of Poobah Weed and the X-Virus. Having the appearance of a pale Sanity uman, he possesses an outrageous and unpredictable personality, making him very dangerous. He possesses a slit personality depending on the mood he's in; either dispensing advice and giving out helpful information or zealously fighting someone with berserker-like fury for his own benefits. Zone is usually seen wearing black pants, a red tuxedo, and a red bow tie. The back of the tuxedo can fold upwards into bat-like wings, allowing Zone to achieve flight.
- There are several differences between Zone and D.Gray-man:
* Akuma are created by one signing a contract instead of reviving the dead.
* The main character was not Allen but a similar character named Robin who instead of being cursed by an Akuma was an Akuma herself converted by Cross by having Innocence grafted to her.
* Robin wasn't born with her Anti-Akuma Weapon on her arm; it was surgically implanted onto her body, the arm having originally belonged to Cross.
* Lenalee is not member of the Black Order but instead a waitress at a Chinese restaurant in Japan, and is half Japanese.
* The Earl hasn't taken control of Japan, and it is free from his influence for the most part.
* The Black Order headquarters are located somewhere in France instead of England.
* Aku
- A Zone is an area of the game. For technical reasons the world of Tyria and other locations in The Mists are divided into zones connected by boundaries. Every area boundary will always have a sign next to it indicating what zone it leads to. An area boundary can be recognized by the sign or by the thin translucent white barrier that marks the beginning of the adjacent zone. There are various types of zones:
- He had a very aggressive personality, especially when it came to tech which could imprint people. He wouldn't hesitate to kill "empties". Before the apocalypse he was a landscape architect. His girlfriend answered a ringing phone at the beginning of the apocalypse, soon after they learned that she was pregnant. (Epitaphs) He was a very suspicious person. When Mr. Miller "killed" Griff, Zone checked his birthmark, realizing Iris wasn't who she said she was. He tricked her into revealing her personality. (Epitaph One)
- Dieser Lexikoneintrag handelt gemäß unserer freiwilligen Selbstverpflichtung für die Wahrung der Grundsätze der Freiheitlich-Demokratischen Grundordnung sowie gegen das Vergessen historisch-ostalgetischer Ex-Parallelwelten wie z.B. der Unfrei-Diktatorischen Grundordnung ausschließlich von Zonen-Gabi und ihren Freundinnen, die alle gemäß des Informationsblattes zur Politischen Bildung: "Demokratie - unkaputtbar" per definitionem keine Möglichkeit hatten, eine Gurke visuell, sensorisch und geschmacklich von einer Banane zu unterscheiden. Seitens des Regimes wurden der Besitz und Gebrauch westlich-ausdifferenzierter Geschmacksknospen als Vorbereitung zur Planung der Republikflucht geahndet (Verordnung zur Erhöhung der Staatssicherheit, VzESt, § 61.1.2, Abschn.: imperialistisches Gemüse). Mögl