| - Shima (志麻) is a woman who misunderstood Miroku when he ask to bare his child. She agree to him two years ago, when she was a sickly young woman. Miroku is confused and questioning when the word fiancee is brought up. Miroku is in shock when her family wants to hold the wedding ceremony because she is forced to be the bride of Nushi. When Sango learns her story, she is angry that Miroku disgraced Shima, but later Shima admitted to Sango that she lied about sleeping with Miroku in order to avoid being pursued by Nushi as a virgin bride. Shima wished them as a perfect match.
- Shima – czwarta misja w Grand Theft Auto III, którą zleca nam Kenji Kasen.
- Shima is the western naming convention for the ship that combines Senri Shiki and Rima Toya. The name combines the Shiki and Rima to create the name Shima and there is no other meaning beyond that. Apart from Shima, the other main nickname given to Senri and Rima is "SenRima", made by interchaining Senri and Rima's names.
- , admired as the , is an elder toad from Mount Myōboku. As the heirs of the Great Toad Sage, she and her husband Fukasaku are known collectively as the .
- Categoría:PersonajesShima (シマ, Shima) es uno de los Dos Grandes Sapos Sabios junto con su esposo Fukasaku, el cual tiene la capacidad de utilizar la energía de la naturaleza.
- Shima (シマ) è una dei grandi Rospi Eremiti del monte Myoboku. Molto anziana e di piccole dimensioni può utilizzare diverse tecniche potenti, inoltre può fondersi con un ninja in modalità eremita. È sposata con Fukasaku.
- Русское название: Выдаёт: Локация: Цель: Условия провала: Награда: Доступ к: Доступна после: Категория:МиссииКатегория:Миссии в GTA III[[Категория:Миссии (Кэндзи Касен)]] «Shima» — миссия в Grand Theft Auto III, выдаваемая Клоду одним из лидеров Якудзы Кэндзи Касеном в его казино в Торрингтоне. что в Стонтон-Айленде, Либерти-Сити.
- Shima is a mission in Grand Theft Auto III, given to protagonist Claude by Yakuza co-leader Kenji Kasen from his casino in the Torrington district of Staunton Island, Liberty City.
- Shima is the Rokugani word for Islands.
- Shima es una misión de Grand Theft Auto III, y la tercera que Kenji Kasen, Waka-Gashira de la Yakuza, otorga a Claude Speed, el protagonista. Disponible luego de Trato sigiloso y antes de ¡Extermina al Waka-Gashira!, la misión inicia en el Kenji's Casino, en Torrington. El argumento de la misión consiste en la recolección, por parte de Claude, de dinero de protección para la Yakuza.
- Shima und Fukasaku tauchen auf, als Jiraiya in den Eremiten-Modus wechselt. Shima sorgt sich die meiste Zeit darüber, dass sie noch etwas auf dem Kessel hat stehen lassen und dass sie das Essen nicht verderben will. Sie kann mit ihrer Zunge selbst unsichtbare Wesen wahrnehmen, beherrscht sonst aber dieselben Jutsus wie Fukasaku. Beide Frösche streiten sich gern. Während des Kampfes zwischen Naruto Uzumaki und Pain wird sie von Pains Shinra Tensei getroffen und weggeschleudert. Nach Nagatos Gedou Rinne Tensei no Jutsu steht sie aber wieder neben Fukasaku auf Gamakichis Kopf.
- Shima (シマ, Shima) es uno de los Dos Grandes Sapos Sabios junto con su esposo Fukasaku, el cual tiene la capacidad de utilizar la energía de la naturaleza.
- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes ShimaShima est un ancien du Mont Myôboku. Comme les héritiers du grand sage, elle et son mari Fukasaku sont connus comme les .
- Shima is a very playful tiger ,but doesn't trust people that much she currently trusts all her crewmates. She protects her best friend Maka. The day she saw Kobo she grew a liking to him.