| - The fourth song in Summer belongs to everyone! In O.W.C.A. Matters. It occurs when the agents sing with an animal communicator when a doomsday bomb is attached to the helicopter they're on and they need to get it out of the wires and douse it in water to deactivate it before it reachs 00:000
- What Time Is It? ist ein Song aus High School Musical 2.
- ………………………………………/””~,……………………………………../:::::/…………………………………..,-”””¯””-,……………………………….,~”……….\……………………………,~”…………,..\…………………………,-“………….....|..|………………………,-“………………..|..|……………………,-“…………………..|..|………………….,-“……………………/..|…………………/……………………..’...|………………../………………………...|………………./…………………..,„_„...|………………/…………………,-,-~-,-~’,……………../……………….,-“ ( . . o)_º)IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!!!……………./………………./ . . .“-~“ . . ¯¯¯¯¯””~-,……………|………………..| . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,-~“~,……………|…………….....| . . . . . . . . . . . . . /:::::::\……………|…………….....| . . . . . . . . . . . . . |::::::::|……………|………………..\ . . . ._ . . . . . . . . “-,„„„-”…………....|………………..”-, . .(..”~,------------~”…………….|._………………..”~,..”~-‘---,………………,--~~-,………….,~” . ¯”~,……………….¯”~~-”,-\………….,-“-,”~, . .”-,……….,-“….,~”,-~”\…..-‘.,„„„………………”-,……….| . . “-, ”
| - The fourth song in Summer belongs to everyone! In O.W.C.A. Matters. It occurs when the agents sing with an animal communicator when a doomsday bomb is attached to the helicopter they're on and they need to get it out of the wires and douse it in water to deactivate it before it reachs 00:000
- ………………………………………/””~,……………………………………../:::::/…………………………………..,-”””¯””-,……………………………….,~”……….\……………………………,~”…………,..\…………………………,-“………….....|..|………………………,-“………………..|..|……………………,-“…………………..|..|………………….,-“……………………/..|…………………/……………………..’...|………………../………………………...|………………./…………………..,„_„...|………………/…………………,-,-~-,-~’,……………../……………….,-“ ( . . o)_º)IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!!!……………./………………./ . . .“-~“ . . ¯¯¯¯¯””~-,……………|………………..| . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,-~“~,……………|…………….....| . . . . . . . . . . . . . /:::::::\……………|…………….....| . . . . . . . . . . . . . |::::::::|……………|………………..\ . . . ._ . . . . . . . . “-,„„„-”…………....|………………..”-, . .(..”~,------------~”…………….|._………………..”~,..”~-‘---,………………,--~~-,………….,~” . ¯”~,……………….¯”~~-”,-\………….,-“-,”~, . .”-,……….,-“….,~”,-~”\…..-‘.,„„„………………”-,……….| . . “-, ”-, . |………..\,,-“,~”……/…..,-“ . .”-,…………..’-,.”-,……..) . . . .”-,,-“………….’-,……..(,--,.,-“ . . . . |…………….”-,”-,,(“-~”-,””~~~”…………….¯”””¯,-“, .), . . . . ,-“……………….”-,\,.”..,-“………………….’-, .”.,“-,_„„~”……………………”.”-,”…………………….”~”-,.\,…,--~~~-,………………,~’,………………………….¯”~/ . . . . . .)……………,”-~’,………………………./ . . . . . . |--„„„„„„--,~””¯ . . .)_………………………….,-“ . . . . . .,-“………/ . . . . . . , .)…………………………( . . . . . ,. . , “)……”-, . . . . .) ,’-“…………………………..”~-,„_ . .)_,|-“……….¯””””””¯””…………………………………¯¯
- What Time Is It? ist ein Song aus High School Musical 2.