| - It was one of the orbs confiscated by the Cardassians during the Occupation. In 2371, it was being held on Cardassia III, where Grand Nagus Zek acquired it. He later took it into the wormhole to contact the Prophets, hoping that their ability to exist out of space-time would enable him to make substantial profit. The Prophets found this to be confusing and changed Zek's attitude to that of the Ferengi of thousands of years ago. It was due to this that he wrote The Rules of Acquisition: Revised for the Modern Ferengi. Zek also planned to give the Orb of Wisdom to the Bajorans for free. After Quark had the Prophets restore him, Zek planned to make the Bajorans pay for the return of the Orb. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
- The Orb of Wisdom like the majority of the orbs was confiscated by the Cardassians during their occupation of Bajor. After the Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor they maintained possession of the orbs, the Orb of Wisdom ended up on the third planet in the Cardassia system where the Ferengi Grand Nagus Zek was able to procure it in 2371. Zek then took the Orb to the Bajoran wormhole hoping to use it to communicate with the Prophets with the aim of a profitable outcome. The plan was a partial success, but upon making contact with the Prophets they chose to devolve Zek to an earlier less profit driven Ferengi, in this state Zek planned to give the Orb to the Bajorans for free. However this coupled with a number of other unprofitable acts allowed Quark to figure out what had happened and persuad
| - The Orb of Wisdom like the majority of the orbs was confiscated by the Cardassians during their occupation of Bajor. After the Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor they maintained possession of the orbs, the Orb of Wisdom ended up on the third planet in the Cardassia system where the Ferengi Grand Nagus Zek was able to procure it in 2371. Zek then took the Orb to the Bajoran wormhole hoping to use it to communicate with the Prophets with the aim of a profitable outcome. The plan was a partial success, but upon making contact with the Prophets they chose to devolve Zek to an earlier less profit driven Ferengi, in this state Zek planned to give the Orb to the Bajorans for free. However this coupled with a number of other unprofitable acts allowed Quark to figure out what had happened and persuade the Prophets to restore Zek, after which he point he once again planned to sell the Orb back to the Bajorans. (DS9 episode: "Prophet Motive") In 2372, the Orb of Wisdom was at the centre of a conflict between the Bajorans and the Ferengi. (DS9 novel: The 34th Rule) In 2373, Kai Winn Adami consulted the Orb of Wisdom. (DS9 episode: "In the Cards") In April of 2376, at a secret meeting of high ranking Vedeks, Sinchante Jin suggested consulting the Orb about how to deal with the Ohalu Prophecies. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One) By September of that year, the Orb of Wisdom, along with the other eight orbs, was being stored at Ashalla when Bajor was infested by Parasites (DS9 novel: Unity)
- It was one of the orbs confiscated by the Cardassians during the Occupation. In 2371, it was being held on Cardassia III, where Grand Nagus Zek acquired it. He later took it into the wormhole to contact the Prophets, hoping that their ability to exist out of space-time would enable him to make substantial profit. The Prophets found this to be confusing and changed Zek's attitude to that of the Ferengi of thousands of years ago. It was due to this that he wrote The Rules of Acquisition: Revised for the Modern Ferengi. Zek also planned to give the Orb of Wisdom to the Bajorans for free. After Quark had the Prophets restore him, Zek planned to make the Bajorans pay for the return of the Orb. (DS9: "Prophet Motive") In 2373, Benjamin Sisko mentioned the Orb of Wisdom to Dulmur and Lucsly when describing the Orbs to the Department of Temporal Investigations agents. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations") Later that year, Kai Winn Adami consulted the Orb of Wisdom for guidance from the Prophets on the nonaggression pact the Dominion had offered Bajor. (DS9: "In the Cards") The story of the return of the Orb of Wisdom is featured in Armin Shimerman and David R. George III's novel The 34th Rule. The novel is set in the fourth season.